As I sit at my keyboard, trying to live a normal life, I receive constant reminders of the extraordinary events that I lived through, as well as what those in my circles experienced. Much of it is simply unbelievable to most people. Some of what I lived through was so bizarre that even I sometimes wonder if it really happened. I am not sure how I would rank the strange events in my life, but having a voice in my head, twice when I asked for it (1, 2 – and the only two times that I ever asked for it), lead me on my odyssey is the strangest part for me. I have never heard of another story like that, especially when my partner was offered a billion dollars by the CIA to fold our operation two years later, before they lowered the boom on us. When I pass over, that voice and I are going to have a long conversation, and I might finally be let in on the joke.
Hearing about my friend’s underground technology show was another startling event, as was hearing about my close relative’s secret life working for Henry Kissinger as a CIA contract agent. Reading Gary Wean’s account of his involvement in the aftermath of the JFK hit was another extraordinary moment. But I was in the middle of a nightmare at the time, so Gary’s revelation was put on my back burner for years, before I began looking into the JFK hit, armed with Gary’s testimony, which I have no doubt was genuine.
When Brian O’Leary and I had our epic note-trading session, he described his encounters with high-ranking military officials who attended his UFO conference and tried to coopt the event, and he nearly died immediately after rejecting their “offer” to perform classified UFO investigation. By that time, not much could surprise me any longer. The closest that Brian came to publicly disclosing that life-shortening event was in his last book. Steven Greer wrote about those same officials in his dead-man’s trigger document.
I was not planning to write this post today, but I recently heard from Greer’s organization and found myself watching some of his Disclosure Project witness testimony. When I got Brian’s NASA bio published, his Martian credentials were challenged by a leading space debunker, whose challenge was idiotic. Just a little while ago, I stumbled into that same space debunker’s efforts on the Disclosure Project. He is still at it, in his old age. He has been known to try to intimidate his debunking targets by boasting of his CIA and national-security (AKA “spook”) connections. If I outlive him, I’ll reveal his identity.
I have been on the receiving end of debunking efforts and I had my own “skeptical” stalker for many years. His debunking efforts were a series of lies and misrepresentations. I exposed his lies, and then he made up new ones.
That space debunker is almost certainly rendering his debunking services on behalf of clandestine interests, and I am about half-convinced that my stalker was. This is a “fascinating” area of study, as it is hard to tell the paid debunkers from the amateurs. Most of the amateur debunkers are likely not consciously lying. Their minds are so twisted by their ideological fervor that they simply cannot see what is obvious to anybody who is not grinding an ax. The structural and conspiratorial aspects of the debunker’s craft came together in my experiences.
Brian had a “skeptical” stalker in his last years, who tried to undermine Brian’s speaking engagements around the world. That was some expensive heckling, and likely paid for by clandestine interests. A corporate hit man did the same thing when Dennis spoke at a conference after getting out of jail. People like them have infiltrated all “alternative” organizations that pose a threat to the world’s power structure.
How many are in on it and how many are just stumbling along, half-consciously practicing their debunker’s craft? I think that it is once again close to the 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity ratio that I have repeatedly cited.
Ed Herman wrote about the irrationality of establishment pundits, that they were incapable of rational thought when encountering information that contradicted their beliefs. Ed was describing the same dynamic that motivates those delusional debunkers, but some know exactly what they are doing.