Life in the Fifth Epoch - The End of Nations, Politicians, and Races
Energy Territories Will End, With Their Attendant Politicians, Human Isolation Will End, and So Will Races
Studying the human journey has been an illuminating exercise, in many ways. One very interesting area has been human migrations, which began long before Homo sapiens appeared on the evolutionary scene. African apes migrated past their African home at least 16 million years ago, Homo erectus migrated to Eurasia from its African home around two million years ago, and Homo sapiens did the same thing, likely more than once, but the one that began 50,000-to-60,000 years ago ended with the complete human conquest of Earth. When that conquest finally ended about 10,000 years ago, all other human species were extinct, as well as nearly all of Earth’s easily hunted meat, in a trend that goes back for millions of years.
Once the easy meat was gone and humans began domesticating plants and animals, humans wiped out other humans and took their land, in a practice that goes back to chimps. Europe has had three distinct populations since the beginning of the Domestication Revolution, as farmers replaced hunter-gathers (who replaced Neanderthals), and herders replaced the farmers. It was certainly not a gentle process. Azar Gat stated that the idea of nations goes back to the earliest civilizations and was based on shared ethnicity. So-called human races have very superficial differences primarily based on skin color, which is a consequence of those migrations and evolution.
Europe’s conquest of Earth was the biggest demographic catastrophe in the human journey. Entire continents of people were largely wiped out. The British conquest and enslavement of the Indian subcontinent led to two billion shortened lives. Nations are little more than ape territoriality writ large. Nations can be called energy territories, based primarily on arable land and other energy resources, with steeply hierarchical societies ruled over by elites. Even the so-called industrial democracies are really plutocracies. I discovered the hard way that there is no such thing as a free market, a free press, a democracy, or an uncorrupted implementation of the scientific method. They are all ideological constructs that do not exist in today’s world, and the reality can be their opposite.
In the Fifth Epoch, there will no longer be a need for energy territories. Nations will soon become obsolete, as well as the elite who rule over them, and their puppets: today’s politicians. Not only will nations become obsolete, as humanity becomes one society, but so-called races will vanish. There will no longer be isolated breeding populations in their energy territories, so the superficial evolutionary differences called races will disappear, but that might take a few centuries. Then, all humans will look the same, will speak the same language, etc. Nobody is going to miss the “good old days” before the Fifth Epoch dawned.
‘Nations are little more than ape territoriality writ large. ‘
I will have to remember that one!