Sam Husseini Is Dragged Out of a Press Conference Once Again
Sam’s and Max Blumenthal’s heroic actions at the State Department
Sam Husseini and Max Blumenthal are two of the finest journalists that my great nation can boast of. Sam’s father was Palestinian and Max is Jewish, so they had plenty to say about Gaza at Anthony Blinken’s final press conference as the USA’s Secretary of State. Max was escorted from the room, and Sam was forcibly dragged from the room, which is not new for Sam. Sam posted the questions that he had for the State Department.
It has been a strange past week for American press freedom. On Friday, Mark Zuckerberg said that Biden officials screamed and cursed at Meta employees to compel them to censor Meta’s users. Yesterday, in Biden’s farewell speech, he specifically referred to Meta’s practices as a threat to free speech. Was it because Meta censored on behalf of the White House? No, it was because Meta was no longer “fact checking,” I suppose as a prelude to censoring. Censoring is always the main threat to free speech, but Biden seems oblivious to it.
In all likelihood, more than 100,000 Gazans were murdered by the Israelis, with full American complicity, and asking about it gets people ejected from the room.
The moneyed psychopaths in control keep it that way.... And...
We would best grasp that the controlmind (government) is a for-profit corporation (since 1871) and We have no say in who They appoint to any office. "Elections" are there to maintain the illusion that We have a say.
And We can co-create so much better.
Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article):
If any of the other pseudo-journalists had integrity at least some of them would have walked out in protest. But then, heavens forbid, they might lose “access”.