When I first heard of those cartels in 2001 from Brian O’Leary, and banking was one of them, it kind of made sense on a “conspiratorial” level, but it turned out to be stranger than that for me. When I briefly rejoined Dennis Lee in 1996-1997, he was approached by a Christian businessman’s group that owned an alleged trillion-dollar trust, and they claimed that the USA’s banking system froze tens of billions of their cash. Around the same time, Dennis was approached by an American Indian tribe with supposedly sovereign nation status, who got a 40% annual return on their money playing the lending game between huge banks, as long as they gave a big piece to good causes. They were going to give us the proceeds of some of that money for our Earth-healing projects. It was all surreal. I asked my CFO and professor friends about it, and nobody had ever heard of it before. I had to renew my passport to get ready for an international trip to close the deal. A decade later, I realized that it was all part of an elaborate sting operation to entrap us, as the global elite took the game to a new level. If I had taken that trip, I would have never come home.
I read conspiracist works on the international bankers in the 1990s. I have no idea how true they are, but nothing would surprise me. What is indisputable, however, is how the big banks rape poor nations in a novel form of neocolonial slavery. Ed Herman wrote about it. That aspect of the banking system cannot be credibly denied. My employer was defrauded by Lehman Brothers of tens of millions of dollars, which I had to do the accounting for.
I saw the Savings and Loan Scandal from the inside before it became a scandal, and it was an early indicator for me on how worthless my profession was, although it would be several years later when I finally realized it.
Some scuttlebutt that I have heard from those close to the inside of the world’s power structure leads me to believe that the big banks are right in the middle of it, laundering drug money and other activities. I cannot claim direct experience like I can in most of the other rackets, but I have no doubt about a major role that the big bankers play in the global power structure. I think that calling it a racket is appropriate.
In the Fifth Epoch, all exchange-related professions and money will become obsolete, and so will banks, and nobody will miss them.
You instantly reminded me of Devon Steck's "The Man Who Saved Europe"; talking about the 1934 docudrama "The House of Rothschild"; an self-adulatory piece about the Rothschild Crime Syndicate so repugnant the Nazis used it as a propaganda movie... 🙄
"The unforgivable sin of Hitler's Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits"...
– Winson Churchill