My current approach to helping manifest the biggest event in the human journey was a long time in coming, and has its roots in my polymath proclivities. As I have stated, without my odyssey with Dennis Lee, I would likely not have much worth saying. My journey and those of my colleagues were simply unbelievable to the great mass of humanity. But they were learning experiences that can’t be bought. The only reasons why I survived my adventures were my youth and idealism. Many lives were wrecked or shortened during my adventures.
I learned many lessons during my first stint with Dennis, which I never thought I would learn. My lessons were not great intellectual feats, but just coming to understand truths about our world that very few are willing to admit.
Then I embarked on my studies, which are ongoing 35 years later. I am a learning junkie, so I can’t regret all those years of study, which would seem to be economically worthless, from a personal perspective. And again, what I learned through my days of study was also not some great intellectual feat, but just learning other truths that almost nobody is willing to admit.
I have been trying to make my work easier to digest since I published my first website in 1996, to make the intellectual lift easier. I have had many thousands of interactions regarding my work since 1996, and that was another learning experience. Very few people really understood my work, and it was not because it was so intellectually challenging, but because so much of it flew in the face of what they “knew.” But their so-called knowledge rarely came from critically examined personal experience, but was just beliefs that they had been brainwashed into. They received a belief toolset through their indoctrination and conditioning that helped them survive in their world of scarcity and fear, and they would embrace those beliefs to their graves, even when embracing them meant certain death. I had to witness that a few times before I began to understand.
Somewhat paradoxically, the so-called “smart” are often the most brainwashed of all, which Orwell remarked on. Brian O’Leary’s experiences in trying to discuss free energy with the world’s leading intellectuals and scientists was so dismaying that he began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species, and I sadly understood.
For the people I seek, what they have in their hearts is what counts, not so much how “smart” they are. But that is the crux of the issue: finding people who care for something beyond their immediate self-interest or their in-group’s welfare. They are needles in haystacks, and it does no good to judge the situation. This is just where humanity is today. The people that I seek need to have already been awakened, and by that I mean that they too saw through the self-serving brainwashing that they were subjected to. That can only be achieved through experience, and I call those people disillusioned idealists. Only then can they fruitfully engage my work, as they are no longer defending their delusions. My work cannot reach people who defend their indoctrination and conditioning.
Building what I call the “choir” is going to be the hard part, and everything else will be relatively easy.
"One last indispensable massacre of Capitalists or Communists or Fascists or Christians or Heretics, and then – the Glorious Future." 😘
– Aldous Huxley