The day that I met Dennis Lee, he spoke at the Seattle Center in front of several hundred people and several news camera crews. A few days later, I saw the only positive TV coverage of Dennis that I ever saw, on a Canadian news show. Several days later, a Seattle news show about Dennis aired, and it was criminally deceptive. Everybody who bought Dennis’s heat pump and followed his directions for filing for Carter’s tax credit got it. Thousands of people did it right. In Seattle, that reporter found one customer who did not follow the directions and was initially denied. Out of Seattle’s 400 customers who filed, one did not do it right and was initially denied. That reporter used that one customer to announce that Dennis’s heat pump did not qualify for the tax credit. That reporter went on to have a long career as a “consumer protection” reporter. Could that reporter have been stupid enough to believe what she reported? Or was she following somebody’s orders? That was my first inkling that maybe the media did not pursue the truth.
Over the next four years, before I ever heard of Ed Herman, I got both barrels of how the media lies. How much was Ed’s Propaganda Model filters in action, and how much was just sheer criminality by the media? When I saw the cub reporter during Dennis’s preliminary hearing essentially take dictation from Mr. Deputy, that could have been the sourcing filter in action, but that cub reporter knew what he was doing. After I sprung Dennis from jail and we had the spectacle of a prosecutorial misconduct hearing, and the cub reporter was subpoenaed for his role, he suddenly began writing accurate articles. He knew how to write accurate articles, but that was not his job.
But the officials acted far more criminally than the media did, such as the day of the raid, when they stole our technical material. When I had my day on the witness stand, and Mr. Deputy tried to intimidate me while I testified, it was my life-changing moment. When Mr. Investigator later admitted that he did not care if his prosecutorial targets were innocent or not, and that he would lie as much as he had to in order to gain his coveted convictions, nothing about human behavior could surprise me anymore.
I am not a mind reader and do not know what those people were thinking. I only have their actions to go on. How much was conscious criminality, and how much was just doing their jobs and heading down the slippery slope of abandoning the ideals of their professions for successful careers, as they got their hands bloody? I doubt any of them knew that they were ultimately following orders of the global elite, as they helped derail a threat to their global dictatorship. Those are examples of how organized suppression is nearly all structural, not conspiratorial, in that 1% and conspiracy and 99% complicity ratio that I often cite.