One of the most divisive subjects that I have encountered is also fundamentally an energy issue: Global Warming and the proposed “solutions.” The basics are simple, and people need minimal scientific literacy to understand them. It could almost begin and end with this simple fact: carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere captures infrared radiation. If somebody understands that, the rest is trivial.
When sunlight hits Earth, photons are captured by electrons. For photosynthesizers, that photon energy is captured until life uses that energy, and that captured energy powers virtually all of Earth’s ecosystems. We all eat sunlight. The only exception is chemosynthesis-based ecosystems that are underground and in volcanic vents in bodies of water, the ocean in particular. But even then, sunlight ultimately powers chemosynthetic organisms, as the Sun’s energy creates an energetic disequilibrium that makes chemosynthesis feasible.
For sunlight photons captured by atoms not involved in photosynthesis, they make their way back to space. But that radiation is in the less energetic infrared spectrum. Molecules of three atoms or more in the atmosphere temporarily capture those space-bound photons. They soon emit them again, but in a random direction, and enough of those photons are aimed back at Earth to create “radiative forcing,” which is the primary dynamic of today’s Global Warming.
Over the eons of life on Earth, scientists have reconstructed Earth’s climatic trends, and carbon-dioxide levels are considered to have been the primary drivers of Earth’s variable climate, with its hot and cold periods. The carbon cycle of Earth’s surface has had simple drivers. Until the rise of human civilizations and especially industrial ones, volcanism introduced carbon to the cycle, and the burial of sediments by plate tectonics removed the carbon. Since humans began burning hydrocarbon fuels in earnest, beginning with England’s industrialization, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels began dramatically rising. Today, the carbon dioxide vented to the atmosphere by human activities is 100 times what volcanoes produce. There is really nothing to argue about. Human activities are increasing carbon-dioxide levels, which is making Earth’s surface warmer than it would otherwise be. That should have been the end of the issue, but vested interests have muddied the waters.
Fred Singer mentored Brian O’Leary during Brian’s early days as a climate scientist. Singer sold his soul to vested interests, and the two most notorious were tobacco companies and hydrocarbon companies. Singer’s deceptions were criminal at times, and with a compliant media, Singer and a handful like him helped create a “debate” over Global Warming that really did not exist among scientists. Singer even introduced the conspiratorial idea that Global Warming is a hoax, which was highly dismaying to Brian. Singer’s work only duped the gullible, and millions of people have willingly been duped on that issue. I have had to listen to the scientifically illiterate arguments of people who deny Global Warming. Their delusions align with their self-interest, and they are almost all right wingers.
Many of them have a related delusion, which is that we will never run out of oil. That has long been a dubious fringe hypothesis, but even if true, all of Earth’s easy oil has been mined. Mining Earth’s hydrocarbons will never get any easier and they will all be largely depleted in this century.
Will we run out of hydrocarbons before we turn Earth into a sauna? I call that a race of the catastrophes. Then, what those same right wingers do is decry the “solutions” purveyed by people such as Bill Gates, of Net Zero and the like. I agree that the Net-Zero initiatives are fraudulent, but the Global Warming issue is real, denied by no credible scientist that I know of.
On the conspiratorial front, one “solution” has been climate engineering. I have been hearing about “chemtrails” and weather engineering for 30 years, and the mainstream always dismissed it as crazed conspiratorial delusions, but now mainstream scientists are openly advocating chemtrails and weather engineering, and experiments that are just like chemtrails are openly acknowledged now. Just last week, I read of scientists who advocated injecting diamonds into the atmosphere. How far off-base were chemtrail conspiracy theorists, or were they right all along?
And free energy, the solution to all of it and more, is still completely ignored on the world stage. That is the most mind-boggling part for me.
Do you regard Solar energy as free energy?
Except the "science" was bought and paid for by the Malthusian Ruline Class Conspiracy and it is false. Scientists are a dime a dozen.