Trio of chestnuts from my Substack for you:

💣 "My Dad's Medals" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/my-dads-medals

💣 "War and Remembrance*" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/war-and-remembrance

💣 "Doesn't This Just Say It All" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/

I think of my own time in the military, after three years kicked out on trumped-up accusations and a relentless whisper campaign courtesy of an alcoholic Master Warrant Officer; blacklisted from ever rejoining, but I didn't learn about that till a decade later when I tried to join the Naval Reserve – which was what I wanted to do in the first place. On the one hand, at least I left the military with my limbs intact and my skin in one piece. "Emotionally" however is another story: 40 years later that experience wrecked me for life. And this was Canada, it was peacetime, I did my service in Calgary... in the BAND!!!

Although with some trepidation I should also warn you the perspective I seem to be developing in my Substack may be disturbing to you... 8 years of Justin Castreau's extreme left politics among other things... 🤔

Also looking at that photograph of my Uncle's grave even now, is disturbing for me.

PS "Saving Private Ryan" left me feeling very sad. All those lives, cut short, so soon, simply to make a bunch of rich bankers richer.

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All political ideologies are born in scarcity and will die in scarcity. Abundance will make them all meaningless. I have a problem with ideologies that justify violating others, which includes just about every ideology on Earth. That is really what they are all about.

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Nice 😊

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