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Sep 4
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Thanks Martin, you raise a few issues there. :) I'll try to address them.

All evidence of pre-Sumerian civilizations has been thin, very thin. I am very willing to be convinced by solid evidence of such civilizations, but the evidence never held up to scrutiny that I ever saw. I grew up with stuff like that:


I have encountered several candidates for Atlantis, for instance. Maybe there is some reality behind the myth.

I got sucked into the Velikovsky issue about thirty years ago:


and have encountered many such fringe topics. Few ever panned out. It is funny to me, that depending on the camp, I am either Mr. Orthodox or Mr. Fringe. I wrote an essay on this issue:


I am really Mr. Truth, hunting for it wherever I could find it. I am not against the idea of ET or other influences on evolution and our genome, but the evidence is thin and DNA science is young. Leaping to the "this is where the ETs intervened" answer is very premature, IMO.

I am no geologist, but I can hum a few bars. Plate tectonics is younger than I am, and all geological mysteries that I have seen either have likely mundane answers or will likely be found within the framework of the still-evolving understanding of Earth's history and geological dynamics. There is one heck of a lot that scientists don't know about Earth's composition and past, but once again, invoking some kind of ET manipulation, etc., I think is a big stretch.

Every mass extinction was followed by a "restart":


That is just how evolution has worked. The Permian Extinction was the biggest, but the character of it was just like the others:


Only one animal in a million survived the event that took out the dinosaurs:


It was worse for the Permian extinction. There are, of course, fights in academia over what caused the Permian Extinction (volcanism gets my vote), but nobody is denying that it happened or that it had major effects on the journey of life on Earth, which is why scientists call it the end of an era.

There is no missing link in the human line, or, at least, like the original idea. The original "missing link" idea was discarded long ago, as more fossils were found. There is still plenty of controversy, and I cover some of it in my recent essay:


I read something every few weeks on the controversies over the early human line and how it evolved. There is a school of thought that the human line did not pass through australopiths. It is a minority view but maybe they are right. Only more fossil and artifact discoveries are going to settle it.

I have heard stories for many years of evidence for pre-Sumerian civilizations, but I am still waiting for good evidence of it. People have tried to drag me down those rabbit holes. The idea that Antarctica was ice-free in historical times, for instance, is one of the many wacky ideas out there. All of that "Atlantean tech" stuff about Giza is way off, IMO, and really short-changes human ingenuity.

Free-energy technology is older than I am, which I would not have discovered without my odyssey. Scientists are kept ignorant of the most important findings, and yes, quantum theory is a big game changer that still reverberates. To me, once free energy technology comes into the open, and the attendant anti-gravity tech (and there is a lot of such exotic stuff), and maybe even official acknowledgement of the ET presence, it will hit today's scientists like a baseball bat over the head, the so-called "laws of physics" will have to be completely rewritten, and maybe scientists will stop calling them "laws."

There is definitely far more than meets the eye happening, but the fringes are filled with chaff. There is some wheat there, but it is oh so hard to find.

I might make a forum post out of this response (it is more efficient that way :) ).



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