The End of Mining Earth, Environmental Devastation, and Wars, Among Other Changes in the Fifth Epoch
Some of What the Arrival of Free Energy Portends
I posted that in the late-1940s, there was robust global debate on the potential of atomic energy, before its perils and impracticalities became well-known. They seemed to understand the potential of a new energy source better than people do today. Whether that is due to systemic brainwashing or something else, I don’t know for sure.
But in those debates in the 1940s, I don’t recall seeing discussion of the environmental issues. All pollution and environmental devastation should end soon after the arrival of free-energy technology. So will wars over resources, which all wars have ultimately been about. We are currently mining the dregs of Earth’s hydrocarbon deposits, and that explains everything about our imperial behavior in nations such as Iran, Iraq, and Libya. Russia is the most resource-rich nation on Earth, which explains everything about the USA’s posture toward it. Nations that have resources that we covet, and energy resources most of all, have hell to pay if they do not allow American corporations a free hand.
In my lifetime, human activities have wiped out about half of Earth’s coral reefs, which is tens of thousands of times faster than previous reef extinctions have happened. We have wiped out nearly all mammals other than our domesticated species, and have wiped out half of Earth’s plant biomass. All of that would end in the Fifth Epoch, as we would no longer need to dominate and exploit Earth’s ecosystems. We will stop plundering nature.
Human-caused Global Warming is very real, and only the scientifically illiterate and oil-company shills deny it. The role that carbon dioxide plays in trapping infrared radiation is easy to understand if somebody has only a little scientific literacy, and that is the primary driver of human-caused Global Warming, as we burn up Earth’s hydrocarbon deposits with abandon. The first thing to happen with the arrival of free-energy technology will be the end of burning hydrocarbons, firewood, and other combustible energy sources. Not only will Global Warming end, it could be easily reversed if desired, but whatever Earth’s climate does will not impact human welfare. Humans will no longer be at the mercy of the weather.
These are all easily predictable outcomes of the arrival of free-energy technology. The fearful ones argue that we would just pave over the planet faster and have bigger wars with free energy, but that position ignores what the end of scarcity will do to humanity. If there is no economic need to dominate and exploit ecosystems or fight others over resources, people will quickly cease doing it, which would be an environmentalist’s dream, but they treat free energy as an enemy, incredibly. When Al Gore has been approached with these technologies, his reaction is that they are too dangerous, and they are immediately dismissed. That has been as good as it gets when approaching American politicians.
The world’s politicians and elites will be no help for manifesting the biggest event in the human journey. It will be up to the rest of us.