Today, Sam Husseini published an article on the polio-vaccine effort in Gaza, which may be warfare by other means. In response, I want to make a post on a subject that I have long written about, on the deeply flawed paradigm of Western medicine. I wrote about this a little in my medical racket post, and this post will go a little deeper.
Even leaving the racketeering aspect of Western medicine aside for moment, it has been dominated by a warfare model for centuries, even millennia, because men dominate medicine. Virtually all medical interventions today are violent in one way or another, mostly by surgical procedures, drugs that violently manipulate the patient’s biochemistry, or even the nonsensical approach of injecting disease organisms into people to “prevent” disease. That those interventions are also lucrative is part of the racketeering aspect of medicine.
When I began studying the medical racket in 1990, after seeing it in action in my career, I was almost immediately introduced to the idea that the germ theory of disease was flawed, which originated with the serial plagiarist and scoundrel Louis Pasteur. The germ theory quickly became a dogma, and Pasteur built a vaccine empire on his germ theory. To this day, the medical establishment takes credit for ending infectious disease, but there is no truth to that. Infectious disease was conquered by improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene, which were side effects of industrialization and led to the biggest event in the human journey so far: the elimination of childhood death. Medical interventions had nothing to do with it. For instance, measles mortality declined by 99.96% in England before the measles vaccine was introduced.
At the end of his book on polio, Forrest Maready compared polio to Zika. Zika was one of Anthony Fauci’s phony disease scares, before he hit pay dirt with COVID, which he may have well have had a hand in creating. On the heels of a massive pesticide campaign, suddenly there was an epidemic of children who were born with shrunken heads in Brazil, which kicked off the Zika scare, more empire-building by Fauci, and media hysteria. But before any vaccine could be deployed, so-called Zika disease simply vanished, although the Zika virus didn’t. Zika became one more scare to go into the dustbin of medical history.
Maready compared Zika to polio, and argued that if the polio vaccine had been delayed by a few years, polio would have gone the way of Zika as just another medical curiosity that was quickly forgotten. Instead, polio became the foundation for modern vaccination campaigns. There is every indication that polio came from chemical poisoning, particularly the indiscriminate use of pesticides, from lead and arsenic in the late 1800s to DDT after World War II. See this article, for instance. But similar to how Western medicine tries to take credit for its interventions in ending childhood death, there is an ideological aversion to the idea that environmental causes have anything to do with disease.
Maready noted that was there was abundant credible evidence to challenge and overturn the orthodox view on polio, but the myths remain heavily entrenched, as the corrupt system protects itself. Ed Herman noted the same dynamic with political myths.
A couple of articles by A Midwestern Doctor (1, 2) chronicled the many times that vaccine campaigns led to outbreaks of the very diseases that they purported to prevent. Even the CDC admitted that by the 1970s, 90% of polio cases in the USA were caused by the vaccine.
This dynamic keeps playing out in Western medicine, as scientists hunt for the viruses or DNA mutations to heap all of the blame for diseases on, when the causes are almost certainly a combination of diet, industrial toxins, and drugs. This dynamic was vividly evident with AIDS.
AIDS is almost certainly caused by drug poisoning. 100% of the early AIDS victims in San Francisco used poppers. The connection between the HIV virus and AIDS was announced in an unethical press conference by a Pasteur-like scoundrel who craved fame and wealth, but Fauci built his empire on that press conference, in which no credible evidence was presented. When the world’s leading virologist dissented from the HIV/AIDS paradigm, Fauci ruined his career. The discoverer of the HIV virus, who won a Nobel Prize for his effort, did not believe that the HIV virus caused AIDS, but it didn’t matter, as the AIDS racket rolled along, killing hundreds of thousands of HIV-positive but healthy people with AZT.
Biomedical science is so riddled with conflicts of interest and fraud that even the defenders of science call medical science its flimsiest and most corrupt branch. The WHO is leading the charge on the polio-vaccine campaign in Gaza, but it is a deeply corrupted organization, which Husseini briefly discussed in his article. Bill Gates virtually owns the WHO as its largest private “donor,” and for Gates, it is vaccines and drugs for everything, which Gates “coincidentally” has a financial stake in, with his “philanthrocapitalism” approach.
Call me highly suspicious of this “humanitarian” pause in the genocide being inflicted by Israel to save the children of Gaza. It may well be warfare by other means.
This is the first step to help your mind gain a little light of understanding when questioning the “germ theory”.