If I had not lived in the epicenter of the trans craze and not had it shoved in my face, I doubt that I would have paid much attention to it. But in 2019, I discovered that the men’s bathroom in my wife’s favorite Seattle restaurant disappeared. It was one of the most bewildering experiences of my life, as if I had wandered into a Twilight Zone episode. It was one of what I have called my Rip Van Winkle experiences, when I had slept through a trend, to one day be awakened to what was happening. As with when I saw bumper stickers in 2004, telling people to pull the car over and buy a house with no downpayment, when I saw that the men’s bathroom had vanished, I knew that something was broken in our society. I was aware of 300-pound bikini models and other oddities, but I had not given the matter much thought until that bathroom experience. Then I began exploring what had happened.
I read several books on identity politics and the trans craze, and presented my findings in 2022. In my opinion, radical feminists have it right that the trans craze is a rearguard action on women by the patriarchy, to do away with the idea of women altogether. Anybody can be a woman by simply announcing it. The feminist that I follow the most on this issue is Kara Dansky, who makes her stance explicitly clear: “Men are not women and should not have access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, or prisons.” Dansky does not confine her stance to men who invade women’s spaces, but she also deals how children have become targets of trans activists, in what will surely go down in history as another great medical atrocity, akin to lobotomies and eugenics. Children have been irreversibly damaged, as young as age eight, when many children still believe in Santa Claus, and have been convinced by the propaganda that they are members of the opposite sex. It is child abuse and pedophilia on an epic scale.
That idea that humans can change their sex has no scientific validity whatsoever. No mammal can change its sex. When the biological impossibility of human transsexuals became clear, then the term “transgender” was invented, but Dansky clearly showed how nonsensical that idea also is. “Gender” is about sex roles, or sex stereotypes. Feminists seek to abolish all sex stereotypes, but the trans craze takes the opposite approach, to play dress-up and mutilate bodies to conform to the stereotypes.
Since this issue was shoved in my face in Seattle several years ago, I have heard from friends who fled Seattle and knew others who did, as the “escalating insanity” of my natal city and home state drove them away. As I write this, it has been increasingly acknowledged that one reason why Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump was the Democratic Party’s embracement of the trans craze, identity politics, and other woke issues that have nothing to do with historic concerns of the Democratic Party, which once sought to make racial, sexual, and other discriminatory issues vanish, but instead have been enshrined in the ideology of today’s Democratic Party into a million variations of oppression. Most people rightly see it as insane and an abandonment of the USA’s working class, which precipitated a huge shift of traditionally Democratic voters to Trump. I am not big on retail politics anyway, but it has been quite a spectacle this year.
In every work that I read on these issues, the grandfather of the trans craze was identified as Michel Foucault. The trans craze is rooted in postmodernism, which rejects science altogether. In the postmodernist view, biology, age, and sex are mere social constructs, so people can “identify” as giraffes if they want to, be whatever sex, race, ethnicity, and age that they want, and so on. But identity politics and the trans craze have taken it further, and activists have gotten laws passed so that it is a crime to fail to cater to such delusions. In the United Kingdom and Canada, people have gone to jail for properly referring to people by their immutable biological sex. The inmates are truly running the asylum.
Whenever I saw these kinds of episodes of societal insanity, somebody was profiting from it, and with the trans craze, the medical racket has sidled up to the trough once again, medicalizing and mutilating healthy bodies and removing healthy organs. Even Wall Street took notice of the medical racket’s new revenue stream, which has surpassed a billion dollars a year.
Humanity has its toes over the edge of the abyss, and identity politics and the trans craze are highly unproductive activities that are profoundly egocentric. I do my best to ignore such issues, but sometimes I can’t.
Substack is unfortunately a young platform with many bugs, and it won’t let me comment on Roy’s joke about feminists, so my reply is below:
What is it with you guys and feminists? Women have been second-class citizens for the entire human journey. There were some extremes in the early days of Western feminism, but all movements suffered from those excesses, as political activists of all types tend to become fanatical. As I see it, the world is still in the early days of transitioning from the agrarian epoch, when women were supposed to be barefoot and pregnant. I get the fervor of historically disenfranchised classes, but trans people are not a class, other than a variety of mental illness. While we live in a world of scarcity and fear, these struggles will continue. In the Fifth Epoch, it will all vanish and nobody will miss it.
"In the postmodernist view, biology, age, and sex are mere social constructs, so people can “identify” as giraffes if they want to, be whatever sex, race, ethnicity, and age that they want, and so on."
Actually, you cannot identify as whatever you want.
You can identify as the opposite sex or any weird non-binary category you can invent.
You can identify as an animal, with kids going to school dressed up as pets, jumping around making funny noises.
You cannot identify as a different race. At least not around here. I can't say "I identify as a black person" and ask the government for money, consider myself a victim of racism, etc. Anything but not race. Strange. But then, feminism is not conspicuous for its logic.