Very inspiring! I look forward to going through your work and being a part of the change.

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Thanks Michael. I plan to update this summary in the next month or so, to update it with the hundreds of posts since this one was written. It will serve as an index of my Substack site.

I have been reading some of your newsletter, and you seem to be serious. :) If you are going to do a deep dive, I recommend reading my most recent essay:


It is the most recent encapsulation of my work, and is a more coherent approach than these Substack posts.

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Yes, I am very serious. I have been studying and trying to find solutions to our situation for years after I had a number of awakening experiences. I had done a podcast with some activitists and I had a blog before this I wrote about all these topics.

Thank you for reading! I'll definitely check that link out.

I'm going through a lot of your material slowly but surely.

Thanks for continuing your efforts and not giving up.

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Thanks. People like me never give up. We are freaks. :) Take it slowly. That essay is broken into chapters. Many people have crashed and burned when encountering my work, even ending up in mental institutions. People need to keep their feet on the ground when digesting my work. That you seem to like hiking helps. Not a lot of great hiking opportunities in Ohio, but I made do when I lived there. Whatever can keep you grounded.

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Haha true. I get it. I couldn't stop either if I tried. I will take it slowly. I appreciate your concern but don't worry though, I've encountered all the worst darkness and faced it. Everything from the Dulce New Mexico nightmare to the Satanic Ritual Stuff... I've seen the worst of it. And the stuff that's harder to verify like Dark energetic entities. I went through a rough time healing from all that, praying for those souls enduring that and trusting in God that we can end this nightmare for all. I also know the light we carry inside so I am not afraid. Cautious, but not afraid.

Yes. I have My hiking, my meditation, my connection to God and prayer. Those all keep be me grounded. Also, I always watch uplifting videos to balance out the darkness.

Ohio does have some good spots actually. You just have to look around. I'm close to a nice Park reservation so that's a gift.

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I have been to most of the best in Ohio, and took what I could get. Living near Seattle gives me an embarrassment of hiking riches. If Ohio had mountains, I could have stayed. I loved living there. The pace of life there is cranked down several notches from the coasts. Other than my career position that wore me out, my Ohio years were a blessed interlude in my life.

Part of the challenge of my work is that what I call the Fifth Epoch is right around the corner if an effort like mine succeeds, and a lot of people cannot handle that vision, when they compare it to the world that we see today. It is too far of a stretch for them. I have witnessed many crazed reactions since I began writing publicly in 1996. My work has to be digested slowly, for several reasons. Many pals have been reading my work for over 20 years, and they can still have a hard time truly understanding it. Not an easy thing, to imagine one Epoch while living in another.

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I have never been to Seattle or the northwest but I've heard there are some amazing trails there. I'm sure Ohio doesn't compare. One day, I'll have to get out there.

I have been blessed to hike in the Southwest which was one of my favorite places. That's interesting you lived in Ohio. I'm glad you had a good time here minus the career struggles.

As far as imagining a different world, I am very much open to this. I grew up on Sci-fi and I've studied projects like the Venus project. That project had its flaws but I appreciated the idea of abundance and energy for all and how it would solve for so many inherent problems we currently face.

I will take it slow with your work but I very much can envision such a radically different positive society. In my naive younger year, I thought we could achieve it much faster. I was hoping for a global Awakening type of event but now I see it's a a more complicated process. And also it may require a lot less people who are willing to take action. It's still possible, just different than I used to imagine it.

Understanding the control system, I understand we have to do it a different way but it is possible. And that's where it needs to happen. First is in the mind. Letting go of conditioned beliefs And seeing what's possible.

Like you say. It's a slow process where you should have to look at in a system's way of thinking and holistic way of thinking. There's no shortcut to it.

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