This post will serve as a site index that I am pinning to the top of my Substack page, now that my posts are nearly 80 in number. I’ll revise this document to reflect future posts. I have been trying to make my work easier to digest since I published my first website in 1996. This post contains a summary of subjects on this Substack site, with links to relevant posts. At the bottom of this post is an abbreviated version of the journey that led to my arrival at Substack.
Many years ago, I divided the human journey into four Epochs, which were really energy Epochs, as humanity’s energy practices formed the foundation for each Epoch. Those energy sources were:
1. The enhanced calories that sophisticated tools and fire made available to protohumans in Africa, who soon spread to Eurasia and led to the arrival of Homo sapiens onto the evolutionary scene;
2. The enhanced calories that conquering Earth made available to behaviorally modern humans;
3. The enhanced calories that domestic plants and animals made available to humanity, and the world’s forests and soils provided the energy base for that agrarian Epoch;
4. The energy provided by fossil fuels, which made our industrialized Epoch possible.
We are on the brink of using a new energy source that dwarfs everything that came before it, which I have called free energy, while others call it new energy and other names. Whatever name is used, that energy source provides harmlessly produced and practically inexhaustible energy. Technologies that tap that energy source have been on Earth longer than I have, and my life was ruined in their pursuit before I took this scholarly route. The arrival of free energy will end the world as we know it, and nobody will miss it.
The milieu around free energy is a three-ring circus, of crazed free-energy inventors, a sleeping and occasionally gawking public that lives in ignorance, denial and fear, scientists with their free-energy theories, scientists who deny it is possible, “allies” who wreck the efforts in their greed and manifold delusions, and history’s greatest effort of organized suppression to keep free energy at bay, as hundreds of billions of dollars have been thrown around like confetti, while many lives were ruined and shortened. I have written about why all free-energy efforts have failed and what a successful effort might look like.
The free-energy issue languishes on the fringes today, where it has for the past century and more, ever since Nikola Tesla. Free energy is a forbidden topic on Earth today, in nearly all venues. It is a very tall order to begin to understand what is happening. Few have achieved productive understandings of these issues. It is not easy, and not because it is so intellectually challenging. It is because people have to discard much of what they think they know, and few are willing and able to do that.
It can threaten people’s sanity to even become acquainted with the issues. Almost nobody on Earth can even imagine what is happening on Earth today and what kind of world is around the corner if enough people can form a critical mass of integrity (Earth’s scarcest and most precious commodity) and sentience to overcome the organized suppression and humanity’s inertia. This is the most difficult task on Earth, and appropriately so, for the biggest event in the human journey, by far.
Free energy is the most important issue on Earth today, but there is a bigger picture to see than almost anybody glimpses, and failing to see it can be a fatal handicap in this milieu. From the earliest days of my energy adventures, it was evident that nearly everybody had stunted views of the issues (even supposed free thinkers on the fringes), which would doom any free-energy efforts that they might participate in. My writing efforts since 1996 have been made with the intention of helping train the people that I seek, and I know who I am looking for. I seek people like me: disillusioned idealists. They may be the only people who can help much.
Consequently, I cover a wide range of topics in my work, and perhaps the primary reason why I do that is to show how scarcity and fear has shaped all aspects of our societies, and how abundance ends all of it, forever.
Below is a summary of topics that I have covered at Substack, and this will be periodically updated, as I keep posting. I have been at this since 1989, and I will not run out of topics anytime soon.
My discussion of humanity’s Epochs I believe is the single most important conceptual tool to help my readers understand what I am trying to impart, and particularly what free energy’s transformative potential is for humanity and Earth. We may even see a new kind of human in what I call the Fifth Epoch, as no child will be raised in adversity any longer.
My life was ruined by history’s greatest conspiracy, so conspiratorial topics are part of my work. While most Americans believe that John F. Kennedy was murdered in a conspiracy (he was), I found a bizarre schism in political thought in the USA. The so-called right often promoted crazed conspiracy theories, with no credible evidence to support them, while the so-called left denied that conspiracies had any relevance to our political-economic situation. Both camps were at extreme poles, and neither had a firm grip on reality with such lopsided views. In those camps, conspiracies either explain everything or nothing.
I am Edward S. Herman’s first and so far only biographer. Ed thought that his greatest contribution to scholarship was his structural analysis of the mainstream media and his use of paired examples to illustrate the media’s elite-serving biases. Ed was somewhat of an anomaly on the “left,” however, as he was onboard with the idea that JFK was killed in a conspiracy. He also argued that while elite “conspiratorial” intervention in the media existed, that structural factors, which Ed summarized in his Propaganda Model, explained media performance without having to resort to conspiracies. During my free-energy revolutionary days, I discovered that nearly all organized suppression was structural, not conspiratorial, before I ever heard of Ed. Today, I call these situations 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity, and I think that Ed might have agreed.
My work covers many topics that both left and right address, but with an integrated, comprehensive approach, which is not easy to achieve. Neither political camp really agrees with my positions overall, as they are stuck in their paradigms.
My recent essay, which is my most significant in a decade, largely focused on the human journey, and my Substack posts are mostly just snippets from that essay and from my biggest essay, which I published a decade ago. Understanding my work requires no more scientific literacy than is needed to understand those essays, which are written at the popular-science level, so people do not need to be professional scientists to digest them.
Another key concept of my work is how the global economy is dominated by elites, and there are seven main cartels under their control, which are:
1. Energy;
2. Medicine;
3. Banking;
4. Media;
5. Military;
6. Intelligence;
I first heard it from my astronaut colleague and it made immediate sense to me, as I had seen them all in action. The arrival of free energy will collapse all of them. Some will completely cease to exist, such as military and intelligence, while others will transform so radically that they will only bear a faint resemblance to how they are today. But their collapses will only be side effects of the arrival of the Fifth Epoch, and nobody will need to fight them. They will wither away on their own. Those global elites can be scary people, but they are not the root of our problems. We are, and we can all do something about that.
Those Epochs of the human journey all used increasing amounts of energy, but until industrialization, the primary outcome was more human mouths to feed and humanity nearly always lived on the brink of survival in what was called the Malthusian trap. Industrialization escaped it, at least temporarily. But we are burning up fossil fuels a million times as fast as they were created, and they will be largely depleted in this century.
I have written at length on what vanishes from human societies with the arrival of free energy and the Fifth Epoch, which include:
1. Poverty, crime, violence, and war;
3. Nations, politicians, and races;
4. All rackets;
5. Elites;
6. Money and exchange professions;
8. Drudgery;
9. Disease;
10. Fear;
11. Mining Earth and environmental devastation;
In my vision of the Fifth Epoch, computers play a prominent role. They play a prominent role in the words you are reading, as I publish globally from my home in instants. The reproduction of intelligence is in its infancy.
The biggest event in the human journey so far was the elimination of childhood death, which was a side effect of the Industrial Revolution, and medical interventions had nothing to do with it. Instead, it was a result of improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene. The arrival of the Fifth Epoch will be a far larger event, and it will end childhood adversity.
Make no mistake – all of my public writings are made with the intention of building what I have called a “choir,” which will be the hardest part of my envisioned effort. If that choir can form, the rest will be easy. Like it or not, no organization on Earth today is fit for the task of bringing free energy to humanity. I am trying to form one.
Because my work is comprehensive, I deal with many aspects of today’s world, which include grim topics, such as how the CIA is the standing army of the Fortune 500, how Wikipedia is a propaganda rag for many subjects, how what I call retail politics is a farce, the criminality, propaganda, and racketeering that permeates our societies, how the polio-vaccine campaign in Gaza may be just another Israeli warfare tactic, and so on. I have many topics to write about at Substack, including the USA’s imperial behavior, holocausts and genocides, but my primary purpose for all such writings is to help the people I seek understand that that is what a world of scarcity and fear looks like, although the system habitually lies about those issues. In a world of abundance, they all go into the dustbin of the human journey.
I have been on Substack for less than two months, and it seems to be going well. I had to ban some posters, and I will liberally use the banning feature if I need to. I am not trying to attract those who come here with agendas contrary to mine, but they come running. I was kicked out and chased out of several Internet forums by troll/admin alliances, and if I posted at Medium, for instance, I think that I would soon be expelled. We will see how it goes at Substack.
A Brief Recap of How I Came to Be Here
At Substack, I wrote an introductory post and one about my journey to my perspective today, and the below is more of the same, although highly condensed.
My work will always primarily be about helping manifest the biggest event in the human journey – the arrival of abundant and harmless energy for humanity. I was born in 1958 and my energy journey began in 1974, 50 years ago this year, during the USA’s first oil crisis, when my mentor’s engine was hailed by a federal study as the world’s best for powering an automobile.
A series of paranormal events changed my studies from science to business and landed me in 1986 into the middle of the greatest attempt ever made to bring alternative energy to the American marketplace. That effort put the world’s best heating system (it still is) on people’s homes for free, in the most brilliant and benevolent business strategy that I ever encountered. The owner of the company, Dennis Lee, thought that the electric companies in his home state of Washington would give him a tickertape parade for bringing the energy conservation that their full-page ads begged for. He had a lot to learn. His heating system brought far more energy conversation than they had in mind, and they called in their favors to wipe out the company, and the entire power structure of Washington participated. One employee died from the machinations of a corporate hit man who had infiltrated himself into the company, which radicalized Dennis in his energy quest. The company was wiped out and stolen, and Dennis was run out of the state.
Dennis moved to Boston to rebuild and I would not be denied my teenage dream. I followed him, and the day after I arrived, Dennis began thinking in terms of free energy. I soon became his partner, and my wild ride began. A few months after becoming his partner, we were offered $10 million for Dennis’s free-energy idea. I since learned that that was the going rate to buy out efforts such as ours by the people who run the world, and the public has never heard their names. A few months later, we moved to the town where I was raised, Ventura, California, because I had connected to the talent and help that made our free-energy dreams feasible. Dennis found a national marketing program that worked, around his heating system, while announcing that we were working toward free energy. Then it got crazy. People came from across Earth to visit us, we began hearing hair-raising tales (1, 2), and in January 1988, we were raided, which began my life’s worst year. A few months later, the CIA offered Dennis $1 billion to fold the operation, and when he refused, we then had the boom lowered on us. When that year ended, Dennis was in solitary confinement, writing his first book, and I was bankrupt and driving to a job at a medical lab in Los Angeles, which was soon attacked by the same kind of government/media alliance that had destroyed our Ventura company.
In January 1989, almost exactly one year after the raid, I met with a former policeman who was fighting the same corrupt public officials who wiped out our company. His advice was critical in what happened next: my springing Dennis from jail two months later, in the greatest miracle that I ever witnessed. As in Seattle, lives were ruined and shortened by the Ventura events. Dennis tried to get me to work with him again in rebuilding the effort, but I had had enough of that approach and began my days of study, which continue to this day.
Even though I was no longer taking Dennis’s Indiana Jones approach to free energy, I still had plenty of adventures, and one was meeting a former astronaut, Brian O’Leary, who was just getting involved in the free-energy field. NASA had asked/ordered him to go to Mars, in one of history’s most bizarre interviews, and he had a paranormal experience like I did, while performing the same exercise, which ruined him as a scientist, as he could no longer drink the materialist Kool-Aid that the scientific establishment vends to this day. We eventually became colleagues in our free-energy efforts.
Before I left my home town of Ventura, and I have not been back, I heard of a working free-energy device and the inventor’s travails. Brian also knew him. Some years later, one of my close friends in the free-energy field was kidnapped by a dissident faction of the global elite and given an exotic underground technology show, where free energy, antigravity, and other mind-blowing technologies were demonstrated. We had encountered dissident factions before. Brian’s life was shortened when he co-hosted a UFO conference and the military arrived to “recruit” him into classified UFO work. When we refused, he nearly died immediately after the conference of a “heart attack” that Brian eventually believed was their response to declining their “offer.” Brian obliquely wrote about it in his final book, because he was afraid that if he went public with it, the spooks would finish the job.
Emergency-room MD Steven Greer got involved in the free-energy milieu via the ET/UFO issue, and was one of Brian’s colleagues. At the same UFO conference where Brian was made the offer that he could not refuse, Greer was made an “offer” by military officials, as $2 billion was dangled before him. A decade later, I funded a conference where Greer spoke, and he mentioned a meeting with a global elite faction, and they told him that they had paid out $100 billion to suppress disruptive technologies. When I heard that, it made perfect sense to me, in light of what I knew. A generation later, Greer made a movie about the free-energy issue. In that movie, he mentioned several methods of organized suppression, and I had experienced, witnessed, or heard of all but one of them.
I am trying to keep this short, so I am not mentioning many other adventures that we had. Dennis should be dead dozens of times over, Brian’s life was shortened, and Greer is lucky to be alive. Greer is aware of my work, considers it too scholarly, and maybe he is right, but I had to try this approach. I have been a learning junkie since I could walk and I kept my eyes open during our adventures, which are unbelievable to nearly all members of the public. My adventures woke me up, and I realized that nearly everything that I had been taught while growing up were lies. I am a lover of the truth. My life has been a quest for the truth and healing humanity and the planet.
When I began my days of study, I studied everything. Many years later, one of Bucky Fuller’s pupils called me a comprehensivist and I did not know what he meant. He had me read some of Fuller’s work, I finally understood, and my work has been consciously comprehensive ever since. Because of that comprehensive approach, my work covers what may seem like a bewildering array of topics. But there is a method to my seeming madness, because only people with comprehensive perspectives can understand the big picture of what is happening on Earth today, and more importantly, why the arrival of free energy will be the biggest event in the human journey, why all independent efforts have failed, and what might succeed, which is what my work is all about.
Very inspiring! I look forward to going through your work and being a part of the change.