Hello Wade...

A book I can commend to your attention: "The Trickster and the Paranormal." It is dense, it is scholarly, took me three running tries to manage to read it to the end. What I learned there chilled me to the marrow of my bones; what struck home hardest was George's recounting of the life of St. Lydwine of Schiedam, and of John Keel's "The Eighth Tower" in which Keel asks not "Is there a God?" but the much more disturbing question, "Is God Sane?"

At 65 my takeaways on life thus far are, it's not meant to be easy or pleasant, but is certainly meant to be incomprehensible... 🤔



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I read his chapter on CSICOP and liked it. I'll start at the beginning.

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Thanks Roy. Looks interesting, and I put it on my Kindle.

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To call that book "Labyrinthine" is an understatement. You may find his discussion of CIA muddying of UFO research particularly intriguing. I wore my copy out, just like I wore out my copy of "The Underground History of American Education" (learned of Gatto thanks to you 😘)... My lasting takeaway from compulsion schooling/formal education? 24 years of psychiatric intervention... 🙄

I was searching for an online .pdf of "Trickster"; found these which to my knowledge he didn't discuss in "Trickster" much at all:

💣 https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/14818190/a-pdf-version-of-this-paper-the-trickster-and-the-paranormal

💣 https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/9891774/a-pdf-version-of-this-the-trickster-and-the-paranormal

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That is the exact milieu that shortened Brian's life, and some of the people involved were named in that chapter:


As a "bonus," the "skeptic" who tried to debunk Brian's Martian credentials after I got his NASA bio published:


is also in that chapter.

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Thanks. The CIA, ETs,. and the JFK hit were likely related.


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No doubt. But if they can whack a pope (John Paul 1), they can whack anybody. Latterly I'm somewhat distracted by the pretend assassination of Donald J. Trump; Jeff Berwick talks about that here: https://dollarvigilante.com/2024/07/24/trump-psychological-operation-exposed-with-jeff-berwick-on-shots-fired/... for a change he's relatively to the point.. 🙄

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I'll stay out of the Trump furor.

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It's all rather nauseating isn't it?

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