I also have observed how the Left gets caught up in a false dichotomy between “structural analysis” and conspiracy analysis. I think they are afraid they will get caught in a conspiracy rabbit hole from which there is no escape, a valid concern.

I have also had a front row seat to most of the Left cheer on COVID repression while completely incapable of critical analysis of what amounts to a vast psychological operation in the service of the Capitalist order, and a huge attack on the working class in particular, an immense failure and a mind bending irony. It also displays a total lack of comprehension of the nature of the Medical/Pharmaceutical racket, as you aptly name it.

I do not think they will ever be able to do admit to this and move on, it is too large a failure.

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That was brilliant. Mike Parenti wrote that the left had a "conspiracy-phobia," particularly around the JFK hit, and he took Noam to task. When Noam advocated locking up the unvaccinated, I caught a lot of grief, as you might imagine. That just further highlighted the "left's" limitations. There are flavors of "left," such as the establishment left that dominates the Democratic Party, which we saw in full-flower at the DNC, the liberal left that RFK, Jr., at least seemed to be a part of, for all of his failings, and there is the radical left, of which Noam was probably the leading figure. Because of his lefty background, Brian tried to reach the "left" with me on the free energy issue, and I tried to introduce Ed to Brian several times, but Ed was not interested. IMO, Ed was the best of the left, and I never held it against him, but the left is not going to be much help, if any, in helping make free energy happen. That was a huge disappointment for me, but I got over it.

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