If I had not had many awakening experiences, such as our family’s changing its diet when I was 12, to my mystical awakening at 16, the traumas of my post-graduate years, and then my wild ride with Dennis Lee for four years, I would have never embarked on my years of study. Those events radicalized me, and I never saw the world the same way again. No topics were off-limits to me in my early days of study. I gradually became aware of the depth of the lies that I had been raised with. The news was all lies, the history that I was taught was a pack of lies, as mass-murdering thieves and genocidists were held up to me as heroes, saints, and fathers of my country. My original profession had a conflict of interest at its core that made it worthless. An industrial waste was rebranded as compulsory “medicine.” The sitting American president was murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it was all covered up. I learned that free-energy and antigravity technologies are older than I am. A close relative was a contract CIA agent who worked for Henry Kissinger. His secret life ruined his life, and he drank himself to death, which is a typical fate at the CIA. Ralph McGehee barely survived his moment of awakening, after a career at the CIA, just as Dennis barely survived his moment of awakening, as his nationalist illusions were shattered.
What could surprise me after those revelations? Well, perhaps the most bizarre issues that I snooped into were the Moon landings and ET issues. Not really because of the subject matter so much, but because of the three-ring circuses around them. Because I got a tour of my father’s “office” – NASA’s Mission Control Room – I had an abiding interest in space exploration since age eight. I originally began looking into the Moon landings to see what might be covered up about them, not whether they really happened. But I gradually became aware of arguments that the Moon landings had been faked. In early 2001, I decided to get to the bottom of the issue, and just as I began, ex-astronaut Brian O’Leary was on national TV, wondering if NASA really landed men on the Moon. Brian inadvertently dragged me into the issue, I then spent the next several months doing a deep dive and became satisfied that the Moon landings happened as presented, other than one possible issue: the cover-up of ET encounters on the Moon. I read of such encounters early in my studies, but I did not know what to make of them.
After my co-discovery of evidence that the Moon landings happened as presented, Brian invited me to hang out with him, and we had an epic note-trading session. During that session, Brian told of a UFO-conference that he co-hosted, in which high-ranking military officials attended and they made him an “offer” to perform classified UFO studies. Brian immediately rejected the offer and nearly died immediately afterward of a “heart attack” that Brian eventually suspected was a murder attempt. His health never fully recovered and the incident shortened his life. The closest that Brian ever came to disclosing that event was in his last book. Not long afterward, Steven Greer wrote that the Apollo 11 astronauts indeed encountered ETs on the Moon. Greer wrote of unpleasant encounters with the same officials that made the “offer” to Brian, as they dangled two billion dollars to co-opt him. That was one billion more than the CIA offered to Dennis to fold our free-energy operation.
Even for me, these were bizarre realms to navigate. One of my detours during my Moon-landings studies was the footage that Bart Sibrel promoted as evidence that Apollo 11 never left low-Earth orbit. It was not evidence of that at all, which anybody can tell with a little study. Bart had me going for a few days, until I realized the error in his interpretation. A few years later, I took trips to James Gilliland’s ranch to watch UFOs fly over, and was never disappointed. The crafts seemed to have interacted with James’s mind and mine. As I went public with these issues and did interviews, I could come upon spectacular information, such as that an ET craft “parked” next to the International Space Station for two days, and it was naturally covered up. I have one degree of separation from one of the astronauts who was in the ISS when it happened, from a completely credible source.
Those are the kinds of situations that my studies could immerse me in, and thank god I no longer drink. So, my studies and experiences led me to these conclusions:
1. NASA really landed men on the Moon with conventional rocket technology;
2. At least the Apollo 11 astronauts seem to have encountered ETs on the Moon;
3. The underground technology show that my friend received included free-energy and anti-gravity technology, and my guess is that at least half of what he was shown in his mind-blowing demonstration had an ET origin.
E. Howard Hunt told the original Watergate attorney that JFK was killed over the ET issue, and that made sense to me when I heard it in 2015. My guess is that it was related to JFK’s attempts to end the Cold War, and his planned joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union may have been the final trigger in his murder.
To this day, people approach me, including scientists, over the Moon landings issue. It has become a wearying topic for me. If people take a little time and exercise a scientist’s discernment, they will soon understand that all of the so-called evidence of faked Moon landings falls apart upon inspection. I never saw one piece of faked-Moon-landing evidence that survived much scrutiny. There are lies coming from all directions, but the Moon landings were not faked.
To the structural and conspiratorial aspects, the ET cover-up in the USA is mainly a national-security issue, at least officially. Stray documents have arisen here and there, such as a Canadian official who wrote that the ET cover-up was bigger than the secrecy around the Manhattan Project (Greer has written about that document). The recent “investigations” and disclosures by the Pentagon, which concluded that there is nothing to the ET issue, are Big Lies, on par with the cover-up of JFK’s murder. But, as with the organized suppression of free-energy and other exotic technologies, very few people who are part of the cover-up really understand what is happening. Most just do their jobs, are fed expedient lies to guide their efforts, and most do not really care what the truth is, as long as they are well compensated. That is a human universal.