What I call the retail elite are elites in the public eye, and that includes politicians, who are often rich or work the revolving door, from government to industry. That especially includes billionaire “philanthropists.” A great deal of the conspiracist material that I see focuses on them, from the Rockefellers to Bill Gates and Elon Musk, to various politicians, to the World Economic Forum and other elite enclaves.
Dennis Lee had encounters with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, elite politicians such as Al Gore and George W. Bush, and plenty of billionaire “philanthropists.” A close relative was a contract CIA agent who worked on Henry Kissinger’s secret team, when Kissinger had no official role in the American government.
We also were contacted repeatedly by the people who really run the world. One pal was kidnapped by a “White Hat” faction and given an underground exotic technology show that included free-energy and antigravity technology.
Our encounters with the people who really run the world and retail elites were very different. The people who really run the world never identify themselves, as far as I have seen, and we dealt with intermediaries, such as high-ranking military officials and a CIA errand boy who delivered a billion-dollar bribe offer. About as close as I have seen to identifying them has been “European interests,” the Mormon Financial Empire, and factions of the Jesuit order. Make no mistake about it – if you hear from the global elite, your life is in peril. If they kill you, it will generally not look like premeditated murder. Many free-energy inventors have met untimely demises. It just comes with the territory. I am trying to do this without hearing from the global elite for a long time, if ever. The people that I recruit for my “choir,” if they heed my advice, will never be in peril. Their greatest peril will be if they try to proselytize to their social circles. That never works out well, and usually means wrecked relationships and even careers.
The sitting American president is a long way down the hierarchy of power on Earth. Nearly all conspiracists bark up the wrong trees, confusing the retail elite with the people who run the world. Al Gore and the billionaire class are all very familiar with free energy, but they will never discuss the issue publicly. One of RFK, Jr.’s coauthors was in Steven Greer’s latest movie, so Kennedy has heard of free energy, but nobody is talking. It is not that they are naïve about free energy, but something else is happening. They are generally also worldly enough to know that it is not just paranoid conspiracist gossip. If people ever got an honest answer out of them, we would know more, but the retail elite won’t touch free energy with a ten-foot pole. My guess is that they have been warned off the subject, perhaps subtly or maybe in no uncertain terms if necessary. I don’t know, other than that they are all aware of it.
Near his life’s end, Brian O’Leary was beside himself at how free energy was completely off the table of possibilities at all “progressive” gatherings that at least feigned interest in solving the world’s problems. It is really surreal, when you know that such technologies exist. I can kind of understand Gore’s objection that it is “too dangerous” (but it could be made safe, and likely already has been), but to refuse to even discuss or publicly acknowledge it is bizarre, and my guess is that the true global elite have something to do with it.
So, the retail elite are down the hierarchy of power on Earth a ways. Some may be closer to the top than others, but none of them really call the shots on Earth. Some may be playing a role on behalf of the global elite.