I sat down to write about the global elites and their so-called Black Hats and White Hats, and realized that it was Election Day in the USA. So I will write about the global elite and retail politics.
In the 1960s, Bucky Fuller said that politics had become obsolete as fundamental problem-solvers for humanity. All politics is about slicing up the pie of scarcity, and each faction tries to get its disproportionate share of it. As soon as Brian O’Leary resigned from the astronaut corps, he advised George McGovern for his 1968 run for the presidency. Brian led a war protest at the White House in 1970 and was invited in to air his grievances. He later became Mo Udall’s speechwriter during his run for the presidency in 1976, which wrecked Brian’s marriage. Brian advised several “progressive” presidential candidates. Brian had a lifelong “codependency” with Washington, D.C., and near his life’s end, he informed me that electoral politics was a dead-end. He would have known.
I was raised in a Democratic household, and my mother worked for the Lyndon Johnson campaign in 1964. When I came of age in 1976, I voted for Jimmy Carter. I have not voted for president since Nader in 2000, when it became very clear how rigged the process was. Ed Herman learned the same lesson that I did in that election. I had long since been radicalized when I voted for Nader, by my free-energy-revolutionary days in the 1980s. But I still played the retail political game, at least a little. I was in a march on the eve of the 1999 WTO meeting in Seattle, where I met the former governor of Washington State. After 9/11 and the USA’s imperial rampage in Afghanistan and Iraq, I was in several peace marches, but I turned down an invitation to the White House in 2006.
During my free-energy-revolutionary days, I began learning that the world did not work remotely how I was taught that it did. Gary Wean gave me the best advice that I could have gotten, as I tried to save my partner’s life: no official in the USA would help. That soon led to my springing my partner, Dennis Lee, from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. I experienced official corruption that beggared the imagination, as the officials, from the police to the prosecutors to the judges, were a bunch of criminals.
From the very beginning of our partnership, we began encountering shadowy interests, although I was too naive to understand what was happening at the time. We almost immediately received a $10 million offer to buy us out, which I later learned was the going rate to buy out efforts such as ours. Dennis also began to receive strange, late-night anonymous phone calls of encouragement. It took several years before I began to understand that those contacts came from the people who run the world, from the “Black Hat” and “White Hat” factions. A year after those initial contacts, a CIA man offered Dennis $1 billion to fold our operation, on behalf of “European interests.” I did not discover that until I read it in Dennis’s book in 1996, when I briefly rejoined him and we were targeted by an elaborate sting operation, as the global elite raised their game to new levels. But I did not realize what was happening until a decade later. I learned that the world-changing technologies that we pursued are very real and are older than I am, but the global elite control them and keep them from public awareness and use for reasons of power.
In 2004, I heard Steven Greer state that a faction of the global elite admitted in the early 1990s that they had paid out $100 billion to buy out efforts like ours (the amount may have doubled by now). It fit perfectly with my experiences, and a whole lot more began making sense. Gary also had inside information on the JFK assassination, three weeks after it happened. JFK was killed in a backfired CIA operation that was interposed by unknown interests. My primary suspects are the USA’s Eastern Oligarchy and Military Industrial Complex, but the crime will never be definitely solved, other than my certainty that Lee Harvey Oswald did not do it. I have studied the JFK-hit issue since 1989, when I read Gary’s account, and I never saw one piece of credible evidence contradict Gary’s story, and as more evidence has come to light, partly through declassified documents such as Operation Northwoods, it has only served to further validate Gary’s tale. In 2015, I was contacted by the original Watergate attorney, who reported that he was told by E. Howard Hunt, who ran the operation that got JFK killed, that JFK was killed over the ET issue. That made sense to me, and I suspect that it was related to JFK’s proposed joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union, as a big step toward ending the Cold War.
JFK was murdered in front of hundreds of witnesses, and the Warren Commission, led by Allen Dulles, who despised the man who fired him as head of the CIA, covered up the CIA’s involvement in JFK’s murder. The message was loud-and-clear to all future presidents: “You are expendable.” The American presidency has been largely ceremonial since then. Politicians do not make the important decisions on Earth. The world is really run by unaccountable global elites who hide in the shadows. The American president is far down the hierarchy of power on Earth. Do you think that the people who run the world would vest much power in the hands of the likes of Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? They are puppets.
I do my best to ignore retail politics, but it is in my face daily in this strange election year. So, by all means vote, my fellow Americans, and Sam Husseini is trying to make a dent with his VotePact, but I gave up long ago on the idea that retail politics is going to save the day. I have not given up, however, and my effort could seem as quixotic as Sam’s, but nobody has ever tried my approach before, and I had to make an attempt.
My money is still on Kameltoe and Tampon Tim "winning" the election. If this happens, it will be a catastrophe for America--and The West. Of course, if Donald gets in, it will also be a catastrophe for America--and The West. (And the Palestinians wil be extra and especially f***ed of course.😢) It will just take a little longer...🙄