Conspiratorial Topics – Part 2
The suppression of free-energy, antigravity, and other exotic technologies
I will begin this string of posts on conspiratorial topics with not only the most important conspiratorial topic on Earth; it is the most important topic on Earth, by far, as it dwarfs all other issues. Also, it is the conspiratorial topic that I know best, because I lived it.
For all conspiratorial topics, it pays to minimize speculation and try to draw the picture from the best data points. But conspiracies by their very nature do not leave paper trails for scholars to study. That is the nature of the beast, and partly why scholars rarely engage such issues often or deeply.
What I did for Ed Herman and Brian O’Leary I will also do for Dennis Lee one day soon. While Ed and Brian were great men, Dennis was on another level, an Indiana-Jones-type figure who gave the people who run the world some sleepless nights. I don’t know of anybody else on Earth like Dennis.
Unlike Brian and Ed, Dennis is still alive, and while he is alive, I write under some constraints. I can’t write publicly much about his most spectacular adventures while he lives, and he definitely does not tell me everything. If I outlive Dennis, I’ll have plenty more to write about him. My wild ride with Dennis, which began in 1986, introduced me to organized suppression, as we bore the brunt of it. The CIA offered Dennis a billion dollars to fold our operation before they lowered the boom on us, but that is just one part of a highly complex issue, and I’ll sketch some of those complexities in this post.
A decade after those crazy and horrific days, I heard Tom Bearden talk about organized suppression. In Steven Greer’s latest movie, he briefly described the tactics of organized suppression, and I had lived through or heard of all of them but one. Bearden described the “game theory” methods of organized suppression, and the most effective organized suppression is when the victims do not even realize that they were suppressed. Around a trillion dollars has been spent on suppressing independent efforts to develop free-energy and other exotic technologies, but that is only a facet of the issue.
Dennis should be dead dozens of times over, and his early days in the energy business on the East Coast saw him survive multiple murder attempts by mobsters, and his companies were repeatedly stolen by his business associates and mobsters. But that was all just a prelude. Dennis sold the world’s best heating system (it still is) and put it on customers’ homes for free, for the most brilliant and benevolent business strategy that I ever heard of.
Like me, Dennis was born in Washington State, but he could not sell his heating system in a state with the lowest energy bills on Earth, with its many hydroelectric projects. But after his company was stolen by mobsters in New York, Dennis visited his parents in his home town, Yakima, and learned of an energy disaster in Washington. Projections from the 1960s showed that Washington would run out of energy, and the state’s electric companies, working with the federal agency that controlled the hydroelectric dams, began building five nuclear power plants. Like all nuclear power plants, the costs of construction were vastly underestimated, that projected growth in energy consumption did not materialize, and four of the five nuclear power plants were scrapped, which led to the largest municipal-bond default in American history to that time.
Dennis arrived in Yakima as electric costs began to skyrocket because of that disaster. Because electricity had historically been so cheap, at one cent per kilowatt-hour, many homes and businesses heated with electricity. Dennis’s heat pump saved 70% over fossil-fuel heating systems, but would save about 85% of heating costs if it replaced electric heating. Dennis saw full-page ads from the electric companies that encouraged electricity conservation. Dennis thought that the electric companies would give him a tickertape parade for delivering a technology that saved 85% of heating costs. Dennis had yet to realize that he was offering more conservation than they had in mind. The electric companies planned to promote inferior heat pumps that would only save 50% over electric-resistance heating (like an electric stove). They saw 85% savings as a catastrophe that would see them lose billions of dollars of revenue.
Dennis had experienced organized suppression before in his insulation business on the East Coast, but he hadn’t seen anything yet. Dennis did everything that he could to interest the electric companies in his heat pump, but not only did they not welcome him, they began surreptitiously killing the business deals that he was putting together. Dennis had to leave the Seattle area to find a bank that had not been compromised by the electric companies, and he found one in Spokane.
Just when it looked like Dennis was about to carpet the Seattle area with his heat pump, the electric companies called in all of their favors to wipe out Dennis’s company. The TV news, newspapers, Attorney General’s office, bankruptcy courts, and other governmental organizations were mobilized. The federal agency later admitted that all that they thought about was Dennis for months. That agency hired a corporate hit man to infiltrate the company and try to take it down from the inside, as it weathered attacks from the outside, in what I call an inside-outside job. That hit man was responsible for the death of one of Dennis’s employees, which radicalized Dennis in his energy efforts.
I came into the picture by a series of unbelievable events and I got to see the death throes of that company before it was stolen by Mormon grifters. Those days comprised the beginning of my awakening, although it arguably began when I was 12.
What amazed me, even though I was still quite naïve, was how many of my fellow employees not only joined forces with the hit man, but cheered when the Mormon grifters stole Dennis’s company, two weeks after they stole Dennis’s finance company in Spokane. I saw only two people from Dennis’s company bow out with honor. A Mormon also was the ringleader in stealing our Ventura company two years later, and once again, I was amazed at the people around me who joined up with that effort. Many years later, I heard Steven Greer say that the Mormon Financial Empire was the ringleader of the global elite that suppresses free-energy and other technologies. It was one of my many “Isn’t that interesting?” moments. Dennis also learned that the Mormon Financial Empire was the single biggest investor in Washington’s electric companies. Dennis had unwittingly walked into the lion’s den.
While most employees realized that the Washington power structure was wiping out Dennis’s company, all that most of them cared about was keeping their jobs. I saw people who were skeptical of the hit man’s motivation, thinking that he was merely a disgruntled employee.
My boss helped engineer the theft of Dennis’s company, and even then, before I really knew much about what was happening, I could not believe that he was stupid enough to think that his cronies would be allowed to sell Dennis’s heating system after what they had just witnessed. It was during those days that I began to realize that organized suppression was 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity.
But I was just getting my feet wet in those days, and the next three years were my lifetime’s most educational. I became Dennis’s partner just as he began to pursue free energy, the global elite almost immediately tried to buy us out, and we heard from both the “White Hat” and “Black Hat” factions. I eventually watched officials act like gangsters, as my life was ruined. The Rockefellers and CIA got involved, among others. The top of the world’s power structure was involved with wiping us out in Ventura, but I saw complicity by those around me that I could not believe at first. In the end, county, state, and federal officials were in on it, abetted by nearly everybody around me, but it was likely instigated by the global elite.
Not only were people around me incredibly naïve to what was happening, but when they finally began to get glimmers of understanding, they could go paranoid and I ended up being attacked in their paranoia. It was a three-ring circus of a nightmare that I would not wish on anybody. When Dennis was in solitary confinement and it looked like he would never live to see this side of the bars again, I sacrificed my life, which led to the greatest miracle that I ever witnessed.
I have written on these events at great length in my work, but to make it short, global interests were involved with wiping us out, but there was complicity from the federal, state, and local governments, the media pumped out libelous propaganda (which primed me for Noam and Ed’s work) and it is legitimate to wonder how independent some of the activity was, not coordinated by the global elite. But I also saw complicity by nearly everybody around me, and that was the hardest part for me to believe, not that the global elite had decided to wipe us out. Brian’s Suppression Syndrome is a brilliant summation of the dynamics. Those days gave me my journey’s primary lesson: personal integrity is the world’s scarcest but most precious commodity.
The sitting American president is far down the hierarchy of power on Earth, especially after JFK’s murder. The global elite have spent around a trillion dollars to keep upstarts like us at bay, because we represent the end of the world as we know it.
I estimate that at least half of what my friend saw in his underground technology show was developed from ET technology. The free-energy and ET coverups seem to be conjoined (the ET cover-up shortened Brian’s life). If E. Howard Hunt is to be believed, JFK was killed over the ET cover-up, which does not surprise me.
The ET/exotic-technology cover-ups are history’s greatest, and all other “conspiracies” are in a distant second place.