I knew Linus Pauling and wrote an account of what he told me about his fight for Vitamin C:


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Hi Godfree:

Happy to hear from you. Pauling was one of the greatest scientists ever, whose integrity towered over nearly all the rest of them. I wrote about him in my work a fair amount. I don't know if it is still the case, but back in the 1990s, he and Peter Duesberg were the only two people who had ever had their papers blocked at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:


It didn't matter how many Nobel Prizes you had, or if you were the world's foremost authority, if you ran afoul of the American medical racket. Vitamin C has long been a forbidden treatment in the medical racket. We recently had the suppression of vitamin C for sepsis:


Thanks for writing.

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What I have observed is that the Right denies global warming since to acknowledge its connection to human activities inevitably forms an indictment of industrial Capitalism and their ideological dogma valorizes Capitalism while displaying an almost pathological aversion to any alternative economic model.

And you are correct about much of the Left worshipping at the alter of “Scientism” which causes them to overlook and even defend the base corruption of the Medical cartel even as the deaths and injuries from the Covax are staring them in the face and decimating their comrades.

This civilization is truly insane.

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Thanks. Keen insights. On the right and capitalism, that is an aspect of it, but it can also be generalized into refusing to take responsibility for our behaviors, and humans are experts at that. :) It is like the left and right have chosen their own flavors of victimhood and giving their responsibility away. The left's is more sophisticated and is arguably more evolved, but it is also more insidious in ways, as it seems fair and broad-minded, but it isn't in the end. On my free-energy journey, when I saw people react in denial, fear, etc., to the idea of free energy, it always came down to their ideological choices that seemed to absolve them of thinking for themselves, looking honestly at the situations, taking responsibility for their actions, etc. In a world of scarcity and fear, virtually everybody does that, and I have generalized it to in-group allegiance, because that is how people have survived for millions of years. That dynamic is common with all social animals. When I finally saw it in that way, then it made a lot more sense and I grew more sympathetic to it. Becoming a sentient species is not easy. :)

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