While right wingers who deny Global Warming are scientifically illiterate in my experience, the problems with left wingers and science are a little different. While right wingers tend to reject science altogether (like postmodernists do), left wingers tend to worship science, even at its most corrupt. Both are lopsided positions. Science is mainly a process of discovery, of testing hypotheses against the evidence. But in the real world, science can be corrupted by conflicts of interest. Today’s materialism that dominates mainstream science is a religion, while global elites have hidden the most important findings and have hidden world-changing technologies from scientists and the public.
Conflicts of interest are always the first place to look for corruption, in any endeavor. In a world of scarcity and fear, corruption is rife everywhere. This was my journey’s primary lesson. Ed Herman’s Propaganda Model of media performance is a conflict-of-interest model, which Noam Chomsky said was only a special case of the constraints that all intellectuals in capitalist societies are subjected to.
I was introduced to the medical racket before the energy racket. I was 12 when our family changed its diet from processed to whole food, which led to a health miracle for my father, as he “impossibly” reversed his artery disease. The book that initiated our change was banned in the USA in the next decade, but I did not learn that until I got both barrels of the energy racket and saw the medical racket in action. The right wing plays into the hands of the energy racket, and the left wing plays into the hands of the medical racket.
I have long looked into the roots of Western medicine and how it came to be a racket, and it is partly a conflict of paradigms. The feminine approach is prevention and gentle remedies, while the masculine approach is to wage warfare, and the human body is merely the theater of glorious battle, in which doctors kill both the diseases and the patients (who are collateral damage). I know which paradigm I prefer.
Before there was a germ theory of disease, there were vying camps on numerous issues, such as where life came from. Pasteur’s germ theory of disease seems to be a poorly understood plagiarism of a rival, but it became a medical dogma to this day. The evidence is strong that both polio and AIDS are caused by chemical poisoning, not viruses. The Moth and the Iron Lung is an excellent history of polio. There is no credible evidence that infectious disease was conquered by medical interventions, especially vaccines and antibiotics. Infectious disease was conquered by improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene, which were side effects of the Industrial Revolution and led to the biggest event in the human journey so far: the elimination of childhood death, as childhood deaths went from about half to nearly zero. For instance, measles deaths declined in England by 99.96% by the time that the measles vaccine was introduced.
Polio was the first infectious-disease scare after childhood death had been conquered in the USA, but polio was caused by pesticides, and by the 1970s, even according to the CDC, nearly 90% of polio cases were caused by the vaccine.
But as the obsolete infectious-disease bureaucracy kept seeking relevance, it began a series of disease scares, beginning with swine flu in 1976. AIDS was a bonanza for the infectious-disease establishment and how Anthony Fauci came to prominence. But AIDS was caused by chemical poisoning, mainly recreational drugs, and when the world’s leading virologist dissented from the HIV/AIDS dogma, Fauci destroyed his career. That is how rackets work.
Just as Fauci’s drugs killed hundreds of thousands of healthy gay men and the Reagan administration was addicting Asian women and children to tobacco, vaccine makers got legal immunity from vaccine injuries and the era of mandatory vaccines began. The Mafia never had a sweeter deal. Chronic diseases in American children have skyrocketed ever since. Every few years, Fauci and friends would hype another phony disease scare, until he finally hit pay dirt with COVID-19, which he may well have had a hand in creating.
The conflicts of interest are so extreme in medical science that it is considered, even by the defenders of science, to be the flimsiest and most corrupt branch of science. But today’s left wingers cannot even be engaged on the subject, and it was never more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic, which culminated in Chomsky’s statement that the unvaccinated should be imprisoned. All early treatments for COVID were wiped out, to make way for harmful, worthless, but lucrative patented treatments, as the medical racket raked it in like never before, as civil rights were trampled in history’s greatest transfer of wealth ever, from the working classes to elites (and it was all a coincidence?).
About 100 million Americans were noticeably injured by COVID vaccines, hundreds of thousands died, it has all been covered up, and the media, as usual, has been complicit, as its censorship (1) and propaganda reached new levels. And the left is oblivious to all of that or even defends it. Recent commentators have noted that critiquing the medical establishment used to be the province of the left, but now, any criticism of the medical establishment is branded as a right-wing conspiracy theory. Feminists, who have been the core of the left for generations, are being portrayed as right wingers as they challenge the trans dogma that has infected the so-called left. Sanity was left behind long ago on these issues.
The medical racket is mostly a structural phenomenon, although there are people at the top who know what they are doing. This is the 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity dynamic that all of the rackets have in common.
I knew Linus Pauling and wrote an account of what he told me about his fight for Vitamin C:
What I have observed is that the Right denies global warming since to acknowledge its connection to human activities inevitably forms an indictment of industrial Capitalism and their ideological dogma valorizes Capitalism while displaying an almost pathological aversion to any alternative economic model.
And you are correct about much of the Left worshipping at the alter of “Scientism” which causes them to overlook and even defend the base corruption of the Medical cartel even as the deaths and injuries from the Covax are staring them in the face and decimating their comrades.
This civilization is truly insane.