Machiavelli wrote that more princes died from palace coups and assassinations than ever died from foreign invasions or battles. Lately, I have found myself reading of Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Byzantine, Ottoman, and Roman times, among others. It seemed that most kings and emperors in those days died at the hands of their associates, as Machiavelli wrote. Many times I read of sons slaughtering each other for the right of succession. Game of Thrones seems normal, as far as palace intrigues go. The brutality of those times was stunning. Only with industrialization did societies become very humane. When half of the children died, untimely deaths were everywhere. Roman emperors died violently all the time, often assassinated by the Praetorian Guard, who were allegedly the emperor’s bodyguards, but who were regularly the executioners.
Life was nearly always awful until the Industrial Revolution began to raise living standards and, most importantly, eliminated childhood death. The “settling” of the Western Hemisphere by Europeans is considered history’s greatest crime, and my ancestors eagerly participated in it. The USA is built on stolen land and the genocide of the natives. Nearly all early American presidents owned slaves. There is little to cheer about in American history. A Rockefeller heir once had lunch with one of Dennis Lee’s associates, and he said that he did not know of one American dynastic family that made its fortune honestly. They were all criminal enterprises. That is The American Way, but there is no need to think that it was unusual. Amassing wealth has always been a criminal enterprise. Only industrialization made that a more genteel process, but that has been relative. Dennis should be dead dozens of times over from his adventures, and mobsters had more honor than government officials did, as they did the bidding of their elite patrons.
Before I ever met Dennis, my father told me about how people who crossed the local land baron simply disappeared, and Gary Wean had a very interesting encounter with that land-baron “philanthropist,” who made his fortune in the drug trade. The judges controlled the drug trade in my home county, and that kind of corruption is in every county. Our systems are corrupt, from top to bottom.
About the time that we were getting the boom lowered on us in Ventura, I spoke with some elderly brothers from Eastern Europe who attended a conference where Max Gerson was poisoned. A couple of years later, I read of the repeated assassination attempts on Gerson by the medical racket. By that time, nothing about human behavior could surprise me.
The month after the darkest month of my journey, I met Gary, whose advice was critical for my springing Dennis from jail a couple of months later, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. In Gary’s book about his adventures (and he survived his own murder attempt by the gangster judges and their associates), one chapter was devoted to the JFK assassination and how Gary knew three weeks after JFK’s murder that Oswald did not do it. I made a Substack post on the JFK hit.
For the past 35 years, I never saw a credible piece of JFK-hit evidence that contradicted Gary’s story, and new evidence continually supported Gary’s story, such as the Operation Northwoods plan. I am certain that JFK died in a conspiracy, and the CIA led the cover-up, especially Allen Dulles, who led the “investigation” of the death of the man who fired him and whom he despised. According to what E. Howard Hunt told the original Watergate attorney, JFK was murdered over the ET issue, which did not surprise me.
The second American president to die in office was Zachary Taylor, and there is evidence that he was poisoned with arsenic, was hard to kill, so the assassins had to poison him twice. Arsenic was used to poison Gerson, and arsenic was in the pesticides that caused polio.
Abraham Lincoln was obviously killed in a conspiracy, and there has been speculation for many years on how high that conspiracy might have ranged. Ronald Reagan was the first president since William Henry Harrison who was elected in a year that ended with zero and did not die in office, and he nearly did.
If a person accepts that JFK died in a conspiracy, then it would be nonsensical to think that Bobby Kennedy was killed by a Lone Nut. From JFK to Reagan (including Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X, George Wallace, Gerald Ford, and John Lennon), assassination seemed to be a spook sport. It is legitimate to wonder if any of the presidential deaths while in office were really what they have been officially portrayed to be.
Reagan’s and Lennon’s shooters worked for a CIA front organization run by a good friend of the Bush family. In fact, Reagan’s shooter was a member of that family, for one of the many “it’s a small world” aspects of those assassinations and attempts. Allen Dulles knew both of Oswald’s suspected CIA handlers in Dallas, for instance.
Rodney Stich was an FAA investigator who got in way over his head and was kangarooed into prison in California like Dennis was, by the CIA and friends. Stich was privy to wiretap tapes that the FBI had from J. Edgar Hoover’s phone, which showed that Hoover planned the JFK hit with Lyndon Johnson, Nelson Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, and George H.W. Bush. None of that surprised me in the slightest. I have long suspected that the Eastern Oligarchy and Military Industrial Complex were behind the JFK hit because he was trying to end the Cold War, and that is the perfect cast of characters for it.
I long suspected that Donald Trump would be assassinated when the legal stratagems to derail him had failed, as he was no career politician and was not easily bought. The first assassination attempt is being attributed to Secret Service incompetence that beggars the imagination. I have to wonder about that miracle of incompetence.
Free-energy inventors have come to untimely deaths for many years. California officials repeatedly put Dennis in position to be murdered by the inmates, and it nearly worked. Gary wrote of how the gangsters in Ventura County rigged planes to crash to eliminate their targets, and Gary suspected that the aircraft deaths of John Tower, John Heinz, and Audie Murphy were just too convenient. The politician who had those FBI tapes died in the KLA crash. We had the “Watergate crash,” the politically convenient deaths of Paul Wellstone and Mel Carnahan, and other untimely and politically convenient aircraft deaths.
Eugene Mallove’s murder spooked Brian O’Leary, who immediately began planning his move to South America, and I did not blame him. Brian’s life was shortened when he poked into the UFO issue.
When Steven Greer mounted Congressional hearings on the UFO/ET issue, several people involved suddenly came down with strange and advanced forms of cancer, and only Greer survived it. When William Colby contacted Greer’s effort to transfer some exotic tech to them, Colby was found floating in a river a few days afterward.
In summary, there is not one American assassination or untimely death of politicians and other inconvenient people, such as those involved in the free-energy and UFO/ET fields, that I accept at face value, as the official explanations nearly always ignore or actively dismiss any conspiratorial aspects of them.