
You wrote "Anticommunism as a control mechanism (partly replaced by the “war on terror” and “free-market” ideology after the fall of the Soviet Union, and arguably “humanitarian intervention”)."

I subscribed to all of those control mechanisms, along with a few others, such as America's exceptionality, grandiose history, our Founding Fathers' guidance from God and their own personal virtue, our righteousness in all of our wars that were brought upon us by the evil nature of other nations, etc. However, by the time that the war on terror was invented almost immediately after 9/11, I had jettisoned almost all the control mechanisms mentioned previously. It took me perhaps two weeks to understand the real cause and nature of our war on terror. Since I began reading your online works, I have come to understand now that almost all people on earth are controlled by one or more of the specific and different control mechanisms that are being used in their various countries and/or civilizations. My only control mechanism remaining is my sincere desire to submit my every thought and action for the rest of my life to my attempt to replace my normal self-centered thoughts and motivations with as much as possible of the infinite compassion, along with my total life review, that I have read about that awaits all of us humans after we die. As Marting Luther King Junior said, from now on "I only want to do God's will." But unlike Dr. King, I have learned that God's will is not revealed in any ancient written scripture, be it the Moslem Koran, Jewish Torah and Talmud, Christian Bible, Book of Mormon, etc. I already know what compassion is. All I have to do now is learn how to exercise it all the time.

Thank you, Wade, for all your valiant effort in promulgating your understanding of our future human epoch on Earth and what awaits all of us created beings, whether we are sentient Earth-resident beings or resident elsewhere in the vast universe, of whom we have only very limited knowledge so far.

I spent much of last night awake rather than sleeping, as I kept thinking about the innumerable, different, and inhuman ways that we humans treat each other and how much everyone needs as much compassion as possible from all other people. I am privy to some horrible things that have happened to a few of my close circle of friends and/of relatives, but only because they are close friends or relatives. I know nothing of the horrible things that happen to the other 99.999999% of humanity. And things are only going to get a lot worse before they begin to get better for everyone.

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Thanks Bill. Compassion and kindness are the path to the divine. I am doing what I can so that it does not have to get a lot worse, but any "reasonable" person can see it coming. Praying for the miracle, and trying to help manifest it. The "horrible" stuff seems to have been the price of admission here, but I believe that it can change, and already has in many ways.

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I have Herman’s book “The Terrorism Industry” published in 1990 and it is quite prescient regarding the upcoming ruling class War on Terrorism strategies. He writes about Netanyahu also. Unfortunately Chomsky, in the event, failed to apply their model to the COVID Industry as did most of the Left.

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Thanks. Yes, Ed was very prescient about the rise of the "war on terror."


In my chapter on retail politics in my new essay:


I discussed the "left's" blind spots, and the COVID pandemic was one of my examples. Both right and left in the USA are largely scientifically illiterate:


But the "left" tends to worship the scientific establishment, and the medical establishment is deeply corrupt, which the "left" just can't see. I recently read a memoir by Chomsky's longtime assistant, and she realized that Western medicine was a racket, from the materials that people had sent Noam. I recently watched an interview with Noam (one of the million :) ) and Noam admitted that the rise of indoor plumbing did more for human health than all medical interventions ever did. So, at times, he seemed to understand. That made his COVID stance all the more troubling.

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