My previous post sketched some of the global-elite activities that I am aware of. The global elite helped ruin my life many years ago, and they have not forgotten about me. I certainly have a bone to pick with them, but the global elite are not the root of humanity’s problems. Humanity is – all of us. That was my journey’s primary lesson.
In my 2014 essay, I discussed the rise of elites, who appeared with civilization. In my latest essay, I discussed the rise of global elites. They could not begin to think in global terms until Europe began conquering the world. There really are global elites that run the world. It is not just a paranoid fantasy. I am not referring to retail elites such as Bill Gates and American presidents. They are a ways down the hierarchy of power on Earth. But elites have only amassed power from what has been given to them by the mass of humanity, as humans refuse to be responsible for their lives and play the victim, which is understandable in a world of scarcity and fear. It is just another tribalism to heap all responsibility for the world’s ills onto the global elite’s shoulders, making them into another out-group. They are humans just like the rest of us, and the worst of us are still divine children of the Creator.
I have long written about Brian O’Leary’s ride as the Paul Revere of Free Energy. About all that Brian received on his ride were crazed reactions of denial and fear, from the world’s leading scientists, academics, and “progressives.” I carried Brian’s spears in a mass movement effort to raise the public’s awareness of free energy, and it was a disaster. Brian was soon kicked out of the organization by the people that he invited in to help him, which was typical.
I have written on the strange schism that I witnessed between the so-called political right and left on the subject of global conspiracies. The right obsessively and paranoically focuses on them, while the left denies that they exist. Both are lopsided perspectives that arise from a victim mentality. It is time to think like the creators that we are, and that starts in the heart.
We are not going to get to the Fifth Epoch by focusing on misbehaving elites. Brian was right: the key is combined positive intention. I acknowledge the global elite and their machinations, but I don’t obsess about them. I do what I can so that they don’t try to neutralize me, but I don’t lie awake at night thinking about them. Elites will become obsolete in the Fifth Epoch, like so much else will, and even they will be redeemed. They won’t miss today’s world, either.