Dear Wade:

You should know that:

1) The English language, teq word "science" is derived from the Latin word "Scientia" meaning "verifiable knowledge,"

2) Irts Its verifiability is a traiit of a hypothesis under which it is empirically testable.

3) In their investigations, physical scientists have discovered that energy which is available for doing work is not free Thus, in making an argument one should not assume that energy which is available for doing work is free.


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher


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I am well aware of the physics textbooks, but they do not address what I am referring to, which could be attributed to a yet-to-be-discovered force. It seems that you do not know much about the free energy field.

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Dear Wade:

The principle that there is no such thing as "free energy" is the well tested Second Law of Themodynamics."


Terry Oldberg

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There is no science based evidence to support big bang theory, yet you believe that we can assume.

The Second Law of Themodynamics is not "verifiable knowledge"

There are no science based experiments that could possibly provide science based evidence for the Second Law of Themodynamics.

What is so strange Terry, is that your beliefs are based upon faith, not science, but you don't even know it.

I could be wrong of course, in which case you will share specific replicated experiments that confirm your beliefs.

You seem to be confusing observations with science.

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"Ah, ye canna change the laws o'physics!" 😘

– Lt.-Cmdr. Montgomery Scott

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Alas old friend you are not alone in the Awakening.

My journey into the light began very early with a Grandmother that questioned everything. Her rule for life was this

1. Believe all that you see first hand

2. Only half of what you read referring to real books not the media.

3. None of what you hear

4. Question everything

5. Trust no one

6. Always treat people with respect whether you like them or not

7. Charity begins at home give to charity what charity has given you

8. Life is hard and you get nothing for free so get out there and clean that chicken coupe

9. Only trust a person as along as you can see them and not an iota longer

10. Until death do us part you will only have One true love in your life and nothing absolutely nothing is forever on earth

She was wise beyond her years having survived the great depression many would say she was a bitter old woman in that they were wrong she saw the world for what it is.

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There is no science based evidence to support big bang theory, yet you believe that we can assume.

The Second Law of Themodynamics is not "verifiable knowledge"

There are no science based experiments that could possibly provide science based evidence for the Second Law of Themodynamics.

What is so strange Terry, is that your beliefs are based upon faith, not science, but you don't even know it.

I could be wrong of course, in which case you will share specific replicated experiments that confirm your beliefs.

You seem to be confusing observations with science.

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