I'm surprised Wade, that you would still espouse Noam Chomsky in any way. Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker first raised my hackles about Chomsky in his book "Towers of Deception" with his accounts of Chomsky's performance in connection to the Kennedy Assassination and also 9/11; meanwhile a certain Miles J. Mathis wrote and posted a very interesting article about him: "Noam Chomsky is and Always Has Been a Spook": https://mileswmathis.com/chom.pdf. Possibly not an unimpeachable source, but it should still set your spidey-sense a-tingling... 🤔

But what finally did it for me was his atrocious, despicable promotion of The Lethal Injections during the Covid Fraudemic and his contemptuous dismissal of the Covid dissidents. The man's a Judas-goat, an imposter, and a fraud. 🕳

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Well, if you see how I cited Noam above, he backed the wrong horse there, IMO. That would be a long conversation on Noam, and even he described himself as living within the limits of the times that all people have lived under. He is human with his failings, but is also a great man. I have seen people take swipes at Noam for the past 30 years and more (Ed got in that line of fire, too

https://ahealedplanet.net/wikiprop.htm#cross ).

Not many of the criticisms of Noam were valid that I could see. I hardly ever saw a valid one on Ed's work, and probably the most valid was given by Noam, that he thought that Ed's anticommunism filter was too narrow and needed to be generalized:


Noam and I do not see eye-to-eye on many issues, and yes, he advocated locking people like me up:


I have dealt with the Noam issue at length. On calling out American imperial behavior, Noam was second to none.


I'll take that. You can leave the rest if you want to. :) Nobody on Earth agrees with me on everything, including Noam, but he was one of my most important early teachers, and he will always have a place of honor in my life.

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I guess since I go to guys like Mike Adams and Jeff Berwick for a lot of my info (to say nothing of Max Igan and Alex Jones) I suppose I shouldn't be too critical... 😘

I do however, taken them with a grain or 2 of salt... 🤔

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Brian interviewed with Adams, but when Adams began promoting QAnon, I have not seen his work since:


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When is it "Conspiracy Theory" and when is it "Conspiracy Truth"? It's all so muddied. I used to believe the moon landings were real, then I listened to Adams interview Bart Sibrel... now I'm not so sure. Would have to be the most elaborate hoax in history for it all to be faked, but then again... The Fraudemic? Maybe some of it was faked, some of it wasn't? On the other hand I thought "Chem Trails" were nonsense then I heard Adams interview Dane Wigington, and, once again? Now I'm not so sure...

Think I'll shut off my Internet for awhile, and get to work on "Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician" which I just ordered, blow the cobwebs out of my oboe... 😒

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Adams and Sibrel, what a pair:


Kind of hard to believe that Bart is still being given a platform for his stuff.

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It sounded plausible to me... 😢

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QAnon was a lovely thought while it lasted... 🙄 Adams hasn't said anything about QAnon since I started following him around June 2022, guess he came to his senses, or something..

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