I look back to the Covid Fraudemic ("it ain't over till the Fat Lady Sings" as we say in music)... How could humanity be taken in, by such a nakedly obvious, patent fraud? An exact repeat of the attempted SARS scam of 2003 except this time it was a cold we caught from bats, and then it was a flu caught from civets! I gathered, I think it was from Dr. Tess Lawrie, that avowed Marxist, accused genocidist and Bill Gates' catamite Tedros Ghebreysus of the WHO simply changed the definition of "pandemic" and thus they were able to gain traction with "Covid"... but I digress...
The ugliness, the intimidation I experienced, the scarcely veiled threats of violence over that time, over a fraud as obvious as "Covid"and here you are, still attempting to proselytize for "Free Energy"? You're a brave man, Wade...
That made me laugh, Roy, in a good way. The people who run the world have not forgotten about me, but the rest largely ignore me. If my effort gets momentum, then yes, I may get attention other than the usual troll stuff. But I'll cross that bridge then. Actually, 9/11 woke many up and brought me plenty of readers:
I see a silver lining in events such as those. I guess that the good news is that I am an American, and Americans like me generally are not jailed/killed/etc. for "only" writing, at least for now.
I look back to the Covid Fraudemic ("it ain't over till the Fat Lady Sings" as we say in music)... How could humanity be taken in, by such a nakedly obvious, patent fraud? An exact repeat of the attempted SARS scam of 2003 except this time it was a cold we caught from bats, and then it was a flu caught from civets! I gathered, I think it was from Dr. Tess Lawrie, that avowed Marxist, accused genocidist and Bill Gates' catamite Tedros Ghebreysus of the WHO simply changed the definition of "pandemic" and thus they were able to gain traction with "Covid"... but I digress...
The ugliness, the intimidation I experienced, the scarcely veiled threats of violence over that time, over a fraud as obvious as "Covid"and here you are, still attempting to proselytize for "Free Energy"? You're a brave man, Wade...
That made me laugh, Roy, in a good way. The people who run the world have not forgotten about me, but the rest largely ignore me. If my effort gets momentum, then yes, I may get attention other than the usual troll stuff. But I'll cross that bridge then. Actually, 9/11 woke many up and brought me plenty of readers:
and COVID was an awakening event for many more:
I see a silver lining in events such as those. I guess that the good news is that I am an American, and Americans like me generally are not jailed/killed/etc. for "only" writing, at least for now.
Like I said, "it ain't over till"... and don't forget: "a little soprano goes a very long way" 😱https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_FCYzv383o