How can something be pursued that people cannot even imagine? That is a key aspect of the free energy conundrum and a big reason why mass-movement efforts have always failed for this. It took my participation in five such efforts before I was finally cured of that approach. Dennis tried it with the right, and Brian with the left. Dennis and Brian were definitely men of the people, but we didn’t stand a chance.
Anybody in the free energy field for long knows that they can’t tell their social circles – including friends, family, and colleagues – about free energy and abundance. Instead of having their audience’s eyes enthusiastically light up in excitement and recognition, those would-be proselytizers are met with indifference, denial, fear, and ostracism. Careers have ended when free-energy newcomers tried that.
Near his life’s end, Brian was beside himself at how free energy was completely off the table at all “progressive” and “visionary” gatherings that said that they sought solutions. The solution that dwarfs all others has always been studiously ignored.
I will provide one example of many that I could discuss. Dick Russell wrote a high-profile JFK-assassination book, wrote a book about RFK, Jr., and RFK, Jr., wrote the introductions to two of Russell’s books. Russell is featured in Steven Greer’s The Lost Century, so RFK, Jr., is well aware of free energy and its organized suppression. RFK Jr.’s older brother called our office to insult Dennis, just as he began his political career. But as far I know, RFK, Jr., has not uttered a peep on the campaign trail (or anywhere else) about it. I lost interest in RFK’s candidacy when he became an Israeli-Lobby stooge even before the genocide in Gaza began, but I would still take him over the other leading candidates, even though I try to ignore retail politics.
Free energy and the Fifth Epoch have long been banned from polite conversation in nearly all venues where it should be discussed. This is just part of the situation’s reality, and the sooner that free-energy newcomers learn that, the better.
When Dennis was flying high, billionaires would swarm him, as they have Greer. They are keenly aware of the free energy issue, but they usually wait like vultures to join in if it reaches a level of success where co-opting it would be profitable. There is little humanitarian motivation, if any, among the billionaire “philanthropists.”
I have not seen or heard of any organization on Earth that is not already involved with the issue that is willing to publicly discuss free energy. The doors of the rich and powerful, “humanitarians,” NGOs, and the like have been banged on thousands of times.
For cracking that hardest nut on Earth, the usual methods of activism will not work, which eventually led me to my approach. Not many on Earth are fit for this Epochal task, but my approach does not need many, either.
I found that I have to start with disillusioned idealists, and I can’t help them become idealists or become disillusioned. They have to do that on their own. But once idealists become disillusioned, then they are ready for a message such as mine, and imagining the unmentionable becomes possible.
I look back to the Covid Fraudemic ("it ain't over till the Fat Lady Sings" as we say in music)... How could humanity be taken in, by such a nakedly obvious, patent fraud? An exact repeat of the attempted SARS scam of 2003 except this time it was a cold we caught from bats, and then it was a flu caught from civets! I gathered, I think it was from Dr. Tess Lawrie, that avowed Marxist, accused genocidist and Bill Gates' catamite Tedros Ghebreysus of the WHO simply changed the definition of "pandemic" and thus they were able to gain traction with "Covid"... but I digress...
The ugliness, the intimidation I experienced, the scarcely veiled threats of violence over that time, over a fraud as obvious as "Covid"and here you are, still attempting to proselytize for "Free Energy"? You're a brave man, Wade...