No one will buy the far more expensive electrical energy from the energy oligarchy when everyone has an almost free home device that gives them all the free electrical energy they need. The only way the energy oligarchs can force their product on everyone is to send goons to each home, that will become too expensive and difficult, and then the oligarchs will just have to retire from the energy business with however many $$billions they have already stashed away on their offshore island fortress.
I got my laugh of the morning. Thanks. The "goons" act preemptively today, to make sure that nothing gets very far along. They see that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. :) If and when the Fifth Epoch arrives, they might retire to their enclaves, but only for a little while. The Fifth Epoch will be beyond their wildest imaginings, and they will wonder what they were so frightened of. They will be redeemed, too, believe it or not.
No one will buy the far more expensive electrical energy from the energy oligarchy when everyone has an almost free home device that gives them all the free electrical energy they need. The only way the energy oligarchs can force their product on everyone is to send goons to each home, that will become too expensive and difficult, and then the oligarchs will just have to retire from the energy business with however many $$billions they have already stashed away on their offshore island fortress.
I got my laugh of the morning. Thanks. The "goons" act preemptively today, to make sure that nothing gets very far along. They see that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. :) If and when the Fifth Epoch arrives, they might retire to their enclaves, but only for a little while. The Fifth Epoch will be beyond their wildest imaginings, and they will wonder what they were so frightened of. They will be redeemed, too, believe it or not.