Joe Biden, the Media, and the Supreme Oligarchy
What is visible on the world stage is all for show, as the power is not really there.
I began my posts on comprehensive thinking with one on the media, and as I read the mainstream media each day, it is usually with a sense of irony. I could write a post each day on the many deceptions in the media. In yesterday’s post on Sam Husseini’s treatment at the State Department, I also mentioned Joe Biden’s farewell speech. Biden warned of an “oligarchy” forming among the USA’s tech elite, and the irony was rich for me, not the least of which was that Meta’s decision to lighten up on White-House-directed censorship was Biden’s cause for alarm, in something right out of Orwell.
One AP article defined oligarchy for its readers, and that will be the subject for this post. Most communities on Earth have ruling oligarchies, and it has been this way since the earliest civilizations. All elites have been economic elites above all else. Bucky Fuller said that all political actors were “stooges” of the economic interests, and I agree.
Biden’s “oligarchy” is comprised of what I call the retail elite, but they are nowhere near the top of the world’s power structure. Biden is at the top of what I call the retail political structure, which is all for show. The American presidency was permanently demoted with JFK’s murder. All subsequent presidents were puppets and knew it. Biden’s warning of an oligarchy’s forming in the USA dripped with irony.
People will not encounter the global oligarchy unless they do things that can threaten it, such as pursue free energy. The CIA man who offered my partner a billion dollars to fold our operation was just an errand boy for the global oligarchy. If we had been unmolested in my home town, humanity would live in the Fifth Epoch today and that global oligarchy would not exist, but they will not go quietly. However, there are dissident factions that we also encountered, one of which gave a friend a peek at their Golden Hoard, which included free energy and antigravity technology.
That global oligarchy will not be exposed or defeated in battle or through other conflict-oriented approaches. It can only be made obsolete, and only one thing can do that. That is the name of my game.
No one will buy the far more expensive electrical energy from the energy oligarchy when everyone has an almost free home device that gives them all the free electrical energy they need. The only way the energy oligarchs can force their product on everyone is to send goons to each home, that will become too expensive and difficult, and then the oligarchs will just have to retire from the energy business with however many $$billions they have already stashed away on their offshore island fortress.