You wrote "I am a beneficiary of what is likely history’s greatest crime, and my great nation owes humanity a debt that it might never repay, but there is a chance to." I am also a beneficiary of these same crimes. And, speaking of national crimes, in the last several decades there has been more and more emphasis placed on bringing ancient, hidden, national crimes in certain countries to the whole world's attention, but not yet to all nations. People with politically liberal governments are learning about many of those crimes. E.g., we Americans should all be much more aware now of what our ancestors did with and to all the indigenous, native people who were living here when our particular previously undiscovered and massively exploitable continent was "discovered" and the 16th century equivalent of the 1889 Oklahoma land rush occurred all over both American continents. These lands had already been discovered thousands of years earlier, just not yet by the only people who counted, who were the future European explorers beginning in 1492. The USA's founders were not the only European peoples who mass-murdered their way across newly discovered lands in the "Age of Discovery". Britain did the same in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and Canada, and when those native populations had been almost completely exterminated, Britain's public became aware by reading their scandal-mongering newspapers and raised such an outcry that their government began taking measures to stop the slaughter. Spanish settlers did the same in Uruguay and Paraguay, inter alia, in South America and the Caribbean Sea area, France did the same in Haiti, Russia did the same in their "unpopulated" areas, Germany followed suit in German Southwest Africa (now Namibia) and German East Africa (now Tanzania), etc. This seems like a natural thing that Homo sapiens always must do until we are found out and then we become ashamed of our national butchery. All your readers should be aware by now of what the USA did with its native inhabitants until very modern times, but the USA also did the same in the Philippines after replacing the brutal, Spanish, terrorist government there until Mark Twain began writing about the American slaughter there shortly after the Spanish-American War ended. And Belgium's King Leopold II did the same in the Congo until his mass slaughter made worldwide headlines, once again helped by Mark Twain's writings. We find this still happening most everywhere on earth until the silent, local slaughter is "outed" by publicity, and then sometimes it stops or slows down, but usually new ways are found to keep it covered up. Cambodia and Rwanda are perhaps the most recent examples of mass slaughter of the "wrong" racial or political group by the more "enlightened" group.
In spite of the strong emotions felt by millions today, this is what European Jews did in the sovereign nation of Palestine beginning right after World War II ended. They moved in with much greater power, weaponry, and organizational skills than the native Palestinians who had lived there for 3,000 years more or less peacefully, due to the extremely small number of Jews still living there after the Romans came, saw, and conquered. Once again a small part of humanity has done the same thing that all humanity does when the opportunity presents itself; i.e., use force to take over a sparsely populated area, and force those already living there to flee or take their chances fighting a far more sophisticated and powerful group intent on killing as many of them as necessary until they become a tiny minority and the rest of the world lets the new owners of that land know that they have slaughtered enough to have gained worldwide shame.
So God's chosen people, the Jews, are just like all other peoples everywhere in human history, and will kill, plunder, and steal their way into power over much weaker people whom they happen to find already living in the new places that their tribal God has handed to them on a silver platter.
Thanks Bill. This has been a very old game. It is quite possible that the human line drove australopiths to extinction. Homo sapiens almost certainly drove Neanderthals to extinction. Driving the world's megafuana to extinction is also part our heritage. I just had a long talk with a friend about these issues. Until humanity lives in absolute abundance, and only free energy can do that, these nightmares will continue. It is why I do what I do.
You wrote "I am a beneficiary of what is likely history’s greatest crime, and my great nation owes humanity a debt that it might never repay, but there is a chance to." I am also a beneficiary of these same crimes. And, speaking of national crimes, in the last several decades there has been more and more emphasis placed on bringing ancient, hidden, national crimes in certain countries to the whole world's attention, but not yet to all nations. People with politically liberal governments are learning about many of those crimes. E.g., we Americans should all be much more aware now of what our ancestors did with and to all the indigenous, native people who were living here when our particular previously undiscovered and massively exploitable continent was "discovered" and the 16th century equivalent of the 1889 Oklahoma land rush occurred all over both American continents. These lands had already been discovered thousands of years earlier, just not yet by the only people who counted, who were the future European explorers beginning in 1492. The USA's founders were not the only European peoples who mass-murdered their way across newly discovered lands in the "Age of Discovery". Britain did the same in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and Canada, and when those native populations had been almost completely exterminated, Britain's public became aware by reading their scandal-mongering newspapers and raised such an outcry that their government began taking measures to stop the slaughter. Spanish settlers did the same in Uruguay and Paraguay, inter alia, in South America and the Caribbean Sea area, France did the same in Haiti, Russia did the same in their "unpopulated" areas, Germany followed suit in German Southwest Africa (now Namibia) and German East Africa (now Tanzania), etc. This seems like a natural thing that Homo sapiens always must do until we are found out and then we become ashamed of our national butchery. All your readers should be aware by now of what the USA did with its native inhabitants until very modern times, but the USA also did the same in the Philippines after replacing the brutal, Spanish, terrorist government there until Mark Twain began writing about the American slaughter there shortly after the Spanish-American War ended. And Belgium's King Leopold II did the same in the Congo until his mass slaughter made worldwide headlines, once again helped by Mark Twain's writings. We find this still happening most everywhere on earth until the silent, local slaughter is "outed" by publicity, and then sometimes it stops or slows down, but usually new ways are found to keep it covered up. Cambodia and Rwanda are perhaps the most recent examples of mass slaughter of the "wrong" racial or political group by the more "enlightened" group.
In spite of the strong emotions felt by millions today, this is what European Jews did in the sovereign nation of Palestine beginning right after World War II ended. They moved in with much greater power, weaponry, and organizational skills than the native Palestinians who had lived there for 3,000 years more or less peacefully, due to the extremely small number of Jews still living there after the Romans came, saw, and conquered. Once again a small part of humanity has done the same thing that all humanity does when the opportunity presents itself; i.e., use force to take over a sparsely populated area, and force those already living there to flee or take their chances fighting a far more sophisticated and powerful group intent on killing as many of them as necessary until they become a tiny minority and the rest of the world lets the new owners of that land know that they have slaughtered enough to have gained worldwide shame.
So God's chosen people, the Jews, are just like all other peoples everywhere in human history, and will kill, plunder, and steal their way into power over much weaker people whom they happen to find already living in the new places that their tribal God has handed to them on a silver platter.
Thanks Bill. This has been a very old game. It is quite possible that the human line drove australopiths to extinction. Homo sapiens almost certainly drove Neanderthals to extinction. Driving the world's megafuana to extinction is also part our heritage. I just had a long talk with a friend about these issues. Until humanity lives in absolute abundance, and only free energy can do that, these nightmares will continue. It is why I do what I do.