I can’t help but be aware of many current events, although I try to ignore most of them. As an American, I am most immediately concerned about the wars that we inflict and support. The war that we instigated in Ukraine and the American-supported genocide in Gaza are the two current hot spots, and both could lead to World War III, which could become nuclear. Will we wipe ourselves out by war or through environmental destruction? How about something different? In what I call the Fifth Epoch, there will not be nations or wars or the territorial ambitions that Trump bluntly announces these days. In recent years, I have been regularly asked about Trump’s new sidekick, Elon Musk, and it is time for a Substack post on that.
When I became Dennis Lee’s partner and we pursued free energy, we didn’t even know that there was a free energy field or who Nikola Tesla was, in our ignorance. We began learning fast, however, and the next year, my life was ruined. But it was the learning experience of my lifetime, as I began to understand how the world really worked.
Musk did not name his Tesla company, and while it is nice to see Tesla’s name rise from obscurity, cars are not what I usually think of when I hear Tesla’s name. Tesla is the first major figure who attempted to produce free energy. His main idea was to take advantage of the electric potential between Earth’s atmosphere and surface and broadcast it to the world for free. The standard story is that it was technically infeasible, but part of that story is that the robber barons did not want energy to be free. One of his ideas was vindicated only last year. Tesla also thought that he could harness cosmic rays to produce free energy.
Tesla was an opponent of relativity, and over the years, Tesla’s name has come up in wild stories such as the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments, which inspired the TV show Stranger Things. A lot of that milieu is pretty wacky, and wild-eyed conspiracists can have a field day, but I have heard from people close to me that it is not all as fictional as the media presents. The capstone for me was my close friend’s underground technology show, given by a dissident faction of the global elite. I also get scuttlebutt from inside Steven Greer’s organization, and many of the strangest stories may well be true. But I largely ignore the conspiracist fervor and speculation, as I also try to ignore retail politics. Trump is nowhere near the top of the world’s power structure. It is the technologies that my friend was shown that interest me, as their public use would be the biggest event in the human journey.
Where does Musk fit into that? Little, if at all. I have written on Musk before, and I have received plenty of speculation that he is working on behalf of the true global elite, to become some kind of Pied Piper demagogue. I recently wrote on Mars and Brian O’Leary, and in the past 15 years of Mars-colonization talk, which Musk leads, I have yet to see Brian’s name mentioned. Dwight Eisenhower’s great granddaughter has spoken publicly about being recruited for Mars colonization. Musk has been the Mars guy for many years. He has publicly denied the reality of ET craft, saying that he would know if ET craft were visiting Earth.
Where in that three-ring circus is the truth? For the most part, I don’t know. I keep my speculations to a minimum. I have to, doing what I do. I know that free energy and antigravity technologies exist, and that is enough for me, just like knowing that Oswald did not kill JFK is enough for me. Nearly all the rest is a lot of speculation and flimsy theories, as far as I have seen, and most is trivial even if true, compared to the reality of those technologies that my friend saw.
As far as what Musk is doing with Trump, I don’t know, other than Musk invested hundreds of millions in Trump’s campaign and his net worth increased by hundreds of billions. That was a pretty shrewd investment. There is plenty to be intrigued about by Musk’s companies, such as how he helps solve the biggest technical problem each week at Tesla and SpaceX. I have never heard of a CEO that did that, and Tesla seems to be a leading edge of factory automation. I see that fitting nicely into the Fifth Epoch. In my opinion, Musk is right about how the left went woke and abandoned its constituency, which is a big reason why Trump won. But Musk’s approval of overthrowing Bolivia’s government to serve his business interests was typical American imperial capitalism. I would not put Musk forward as anybody’s role model, and what his role with the true global elite is, I don’t know, but little would surprise me. I prefer not to speculate on it. Like Bill Gates, Musk is nowhere near the top of the world’s power structure, but they may be doing its bidding, wittingly or not.