"Nineteen Eight-Four" was not meant to be an instruction manual. Neither was "The Book of Revelation" come to think of it. 🤔 How could this be? Russia was supporting Syria through thick and thin, then -- just like in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" -- "Adios, amigo..." 😳

Now comes the slaughter of Syrian Christians, very much in the fashion of the Gazans and the Lebanese. 😥

An on-line commentator whom I follow that you likely wouldn't think much of (https://northerntruthseekersblog.wordpress.com/) advances the notion Putin is just part of the Satanic Global Elite... Looking more plausible to me with every passing day... 😱💣🕳


PS Ah... the 5th ambulance siren of the day... 🙄

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No national leaders are heroes. It does not work that way. Well, the USA pinned down Russia pretty good in Ukraine. We can just throw more resources at these imperial games than anybody else can, and we can basically outlast them. I had to laugh at the Raiders reference. The first ten minutes of Raiders might have been the peak of my movie-going career. I had no idea what I was walking into when I saw it.

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A few years back when I was still on Facebook (dumped it in frustration after my 8th suspension for trying to tell the truth🙄) a woman in Ukraine posted on a oboe group asking if anyone could send her some oboes for her students. I just happened to have 2 old ring-key oboes -- professional-quality instruments east of the Rhine -- so I cleaned them up, put them in new cases and bought a bunch of accessories and shipped them to her. That was November 2021, and 2 1/2 months later Vladimir sent the troops and tanks trundling in.. I wrote about it here: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/mending-the-deck-chairs-on-the-titanic-43b; scroll past the "Get your Covid Shots" photo and the row of asterisks if you want to have a look; I send this with some trepidation, like I said, after 8 years up here of Justin Castreau my perspective seems to be trending ever right-ward...

An old friend of mind described movies as "bubblegum for the mind"; "Raiders" certainly fits that niche!

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Read about oboes and Ukraine. Thanks. No elites are going to save the day. That is not what they do.

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The first alternative political views that I encountered were right wing, because of my days with Dennis (they flocked to us). I have spent a great deal of time going down right-wing rabbit holes. Most led to nowhere, but the craziest conspiracy theories can be in large measure true in ways. It is just that these situations are 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity. I focus on the complicity part and actually doing something. Few conspiracists are about productive action, in my experience. They largely live in delusional echo chambers and think that they can take out the "bad guys." That is a boy's dream. The left has different problems. :)

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