"Only people who deeply drink from the well of our indoctrination-and-conditioning systems think any differently."

Wade, I think you left out two critical words in the sentence above. I think it should be "Only people who DO NOT deeply drink from the well of our indoctrination-and-conditioning systems think any differently."

Thanks for another great email.

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I apologize for maybe writing too cleverly, but I stated it correctly. The only people who think that those normalities are not normal are the brainwashed. Maybe I'll revise it if it even confused you.

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I am still confused. Alas, I have already deleted your original email, so I cannot re-read the whole paragraph and ponder how this sentence really means what you stated in this reply of yours. I think my problem may be that I think there are too many opposites and/or double negatives implied, and I am always open to the possibility that a double negative should really be interpreted as a positive. This tendency of mine is due to my strongest and first attempt to understand something is to take every word literally, as someone with a BS in math like me would want to do.

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I revised it, to make it clear. Thanks again.

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