We have to ask ourselves how much of a rebel JFK *actually* was and how much was just a show. We have to question the strange choices made in Dallas that day (and there were indeed several). After that, we have to ask who actually benefits from a presumed JFK murder and whether or not JFK's presidency was used to make you believe people would want him dead. From there, one must consider the possibility of his assassination being a hoax.

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Hi Ricky:

Sorry, but this is not that kind of Substack, where JFK faked his own death. I heard that over 20 years ago, but I put it with faked Moon landings:




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If we're going to write about such events shrouded in mystery, I don't understand the point of not considering all possibilities (especially ones that are more probable). Consuming propaganda the way the powers that be want us to and regurgitating it for others serves what purpose?

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You are welcome to start your own Substack site on the JFK assassination and related topics, present your evidence, etc.

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I already question everything on my Substack. I don't draw government-approved counternarratives as my conclusions when things make absolutely no sense.

If you're not willing to be openminded, this is going to make people question the validity of your personal stories. If you're pushing government narratives (or approved counternarratives) what will stop people from thinking your free energy information isn't merely a government psyop? Of course you're allowed to write about myths as if they're proven truths, but you're also on a website where people can pay you money.

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Point me to the evidence that JFK faked his own death. Good evidence, mind you. I have spent probably over a thousand hours studying the JFK evidence, so it had better be robust, because the idea that JFK faked his own death is the most way out of the JFK theories that I have seen. The more way out a theory is, the better its evidence has to be. I have been presented the idea that JFK faked his own death before, but the "evidence" was at the tabloid level. I do not truck in wild speculation.

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It's way out? Have you seen the only film of the alleged assassination? Have you seen its weird editing and inconsistencies? Have you wondered where the 3 Dallas-based news stations were the day the rock star president came to town? Have you really analyzed what is shown there? What's the strongest piece of *tangible* evidence you've found in thousands of hours of studying?

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You're probably aware of Ron Unz, none-the-less he offers many curious conjectures here: "American Pravda: Mossad Assassinations / The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?" (https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-mossad-assassinations/)

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Thanks. Gary gave Piper the idea for the "Israel did it" hypothesis, but Gary is never mentioned in articles such as Unz's, and Guyenot did not mention Gary's encounter with John Tower:


Unz went down the rabbit hole. There are much greater and more ruthless organizations on Earth than Mossad. The spook business is always dirty. I try to steer clear of it if I can.

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As usual you're at least 2 if not 3 steps ahead of me😘. With the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians since Oct. 07 the idea of more atrocious organisations than the Mossad is horrifying... But I suppose agencies like The Cheka or China's Ministry of State Security (my ex-wife's family were terrified of them even after arriving in Canada) are ample proof of that.

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The worst that I have heard of happens at the global elite level, and I have only heard a small fraction of what happens there. Spine-chilling stuff that most who have heard about don't want to repeat. On Unz, I am very wary of digesting stuff from admitted spooks. Probably a lot of it is misdirection. The best stuff comes from people outside of that system that heard or witnessed things that they should not have, like what Gary heard from John Tower, what my friend saw in his underground tech demonstration, a lot of the Disclosure Projects witnesses, etc.

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