Vis-a-vis "The Donald's" selection thus far, I gathered this morning from Mike Adams (https://www.brighteon.com/1e28be71-6026-4532-a9a7-45c62fd080ea 00:02:40 onwards) one Miriam Adelson (née Farbstein), a wealthy Jewish physician, businesswoman, and political donor; in his words "purchased the American government for 100 million dollars" ... she bought herself a bargain evidently, as all of his appointees are p-ro-Israel warhawks.

Meanwhile I read your stuff Wade, and it makes me feel kinda glad I've got this dinky little security guard job in which I attract almost no attention... 😘

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Thanks Roy:

When JFK ran for president, a Jewish lobbyist tried the same thing:


All American presidents since JFK have been great "friends" of Israel.

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Odd, that...

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