The Medical Racket and RFK, Jr.
Processed food and fluoridation, vaccines, and other worthless and harmful medical interventions
Trump’s foreign-policy picks so far have been disastrous. I am praying that we avoid nuclear war, and everything else is the small stuff.
That aside, today’s announcement that Trump will nominate RFK, Jr., as the head of the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) took me by surprise. My relationship to the Kennedy family is complex. I worked for them the day before I became Dennis Lee’s partner. A few months later, RFK, Jr.’s older brother called our office to insult Dennis. Two years later, I learned from Gary Wean that JFK was killed in a backfired CIA operation, and if JFK was killed in a conspiracy, then Bobby almost certainly was. In the 35 years since I read Gary’s account of the JFK hit, I never saw a piece of credible evidence contradict it, and many documents that have been declassified since Gary published his book have confirmed it, and perhaps the Operation Northwoods document most spectacularly. In 2013, RFK, Jr., made the first public admission by a member of the Kennedy family that Bobby never believed the Warren Commission’s findings. RFK, Jr., had my respect for that. All that I knew about him before 2013 was that he had a heroin addiction while young.
When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, I soon began reading his organization’s site, and I still consider it to be the best single source of information on the pandemic. When I read his book on Anthony Fauci, he entered my pantheon. When he ran for president, I was very interested, but when he supported Israel during its ongoing genocide in Gaza, I was appalled. Why is he in the Israeli lobby’s hip pocket? That situation led to speculation on Israel’s possible role in the JFK hit (and Bobby’s murder). Gary was the originator of the “Israel did it” hypothesis on the JFK hit. I reviewed a recent book on that hypothesis. My take is that while Israel was certainly a beneficiary of the JFK hit and may well have been involved at some level (Mickey Cohen was a close associate of both Menachem Begin and Jack Ruby), if I had to bet, my money for who was ultimately behind it is on the Eastern Oligarchy and Military Industrial Complex.
The original Watergate attorney heard from E. Howard Hunt, who ran the operation that got JFK killed, that JFK was killed over the ET issue, which makes sense to me. It was likely related to JFK’s attempts to end the Cold War. I suspect that it was related to his planned joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union, which would have gone a long way toward ending the Cold War. In my opinion, the American presidency was permanently demoted with JFK’s murder. All presidents since JFK were puppets and knew it, as the message was loud-and-clear to all subsequent presidential aspirants: “You are expendable.”
My previous post was on the USA’s peculiar political environment, and how retail politics is all for show, as the people who really run the world are unaccountable elites whom the public has never heard of. Next to the energy racket, which ruined my life, I know the medical racket the best. I was introduced to the medical racket at age 12, when my family changed its diet from processed food to whole food to save my father’s health, which resulted in a health miracle. While Dennis was in jail with his million-dollar bail, after he rejected the CIA’s billion-dollar offer to fold our operation, I went to work for a medical lab and watched the same kind of governmental/media alliance attack my company, just as it did Dennis’s and my company, which was years before I ever heard of Ed Herman.
I wrote my medical racket essay around 2000, about two years after I wrote my fluoridation essay. I never thought that I would live to see what is happening as I write this.
If Kennedy becomes the HHS head, I will expect him to send a wrecking ball through the USA’s medical bureaucracy, but Big Pharma will not go quietly. Today I read many articles on fluoridation that are being cranked out by the media. I have yet to see one of them mention ALCOA, Harold Hodge, and the stunning conflicts of interest of the scientists involved with fluoridation. I wrote on this at Substack recently, after a courtroom victory that I never expected that I would live to see.
In short, fluoride is a deadly industrial waste that received a makeover into a tooth’s best friend by scientists who worked for fluoride polluters. There is no credible support that fluoridation reduces tooth decay, and overwhelming evidence that it is an enzyme poison, damages DNA, causes brain damage, and has other deleterious health effects, including wrecking the teeth.
I recently wrote about the degenerative-disease and infectious-disease rackets, which the media is fervently defending today. Virtually all Western medical interventions are worthless and often kill the patients. Western medicine is good at emergency medicine, which was developed on battlefields, and not much else. What I have also yet to see in this media blitz is that even among the defenders of science, medical science is seen as its flimsiest and most corrupt branch.
There is no credible evidence that vaccination ever conquered a disease, no credible safety testing has ever been performed on the vaccines given to American children today, and those vaccines are likely greatly responsible for the skyrocketing chronic diseases in American children, which Fauci refused to investigate even after being ordered to by Congress.
Improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene, which were all side effects of the Industrial Revolution, conquered infectious disease in industrialized nations, not medical interventions. All degenerative diseases are primarily caused by the metabolic disease that comes from eating processed food, and all that orthodox medical interventions for degenerative disease do is manage symptoms, but they comprise 75% of the USA’s medical bill, which is the highest on Earth, by far, while the USA has the worst health (history’s most obese society, for starters) and lowest life expectancy of all industrialized nations. What is wrong with that picture?
I was not expecting the medical racket to truly be challenged until the arrival of the Fifth Epoch collapses all rackets. We will see what actually gets done, but what I see happening today is extraordinary.
Vis-a-vis "The Donald's" selection thus far, I gathered this morning from Mike Adams ( 00:02:40 onwards) one Miriam Adelson (née Farbstein), a wealthy Jewish physician, businesswoman, and political donor; in his words "purchased the American government for 100 million dollars" ... she bought herself a bargain evidently, as all of his appointees are p-ro-Israel warhawks.
Meanwhile I read your stuff Wade, and it makes me feel kinda glad I've got this dinky little security guard job in which I attract almost no attention... 😘