You remind me of my efforts to stop people taking The Lethal Injection. I have a co-worker, "Steve"; September 2021 I guess, warned him in no uncertain terms, his response was "It's going to happen"... 7 doses, 3 aortic stents and a prescription for bloodthinners later he bluntly informed me "the vaccinations had nothing to do with it"... 🕳 Okay Steve, no problem...🤷 and Lorna, our landlady and close friend of my wife for 30 years finally told me to drop it, she wasn't interested. 4 doses later and October 23 last year we got an email from Lorna: Had to have her cat Mischief put down; the poor creature had developed an inoperable bloodclot in the artery to his legs... 🤔

In the immortal words of Kurt Vonnegut: "So it goes." 🙄

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Oh yes, nothing to do with it. They will deny it to their deaths. That is the biggest reason why the medical racket thrives. I am the only person in my family that I know of who did not get the COVID shot, and I mean cousins, in-laws - dozens of people. A pal who was crippled by the vaccine knows it was the vaccine, as he told me that his symptoms began when he was vaccinated, after I said that it killed hundreds of thousands of Americans (two years ago). The next morning I showed him a Kirsch article that perfectly described his symptoms., and all doubt was removed. He is in a wheelchair today, unable to walk. The vaccine killed his mother (got sick the next day and was dead three weeks later). My friend who is dying of brain cancer likely cannot afford to even entertain the idea that the vaccine had anything to do with it. And so it goes...

Vonnegut was a family friend to one of my pals. Uncle Kurt is still relevant! :)

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I've been keeping track; thus far 7 deaths (including poor little Mischief😥); 34 permanent, debilitating injuries.. I'll have to update my list though: Among the workers at Esquimalt Graving Docks? 2 turbo cancers, 1 case of of ALS and a couple of strokes.. these are guys in their middle 30s BTW...🤔 and my friend Howard's girlfriend was struck down with an aggressive cervical cancer... Both of them took The Lethal Injection, he's in rough shape too..

Kurt was a cynical bastard, I'll give him that, but having survived WWII and Dresden, quite understandable. (https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/my-dads-medals)

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I have not tried to keep up on vax injuries on those around me, but people volunteer them to me, and the causation is obviously hard to establish, even for those who try to. Lots of carnage, and the establishment does its best to cover it up, as usual.

Nobody comes back from war well. I am the first man, going up my family tree for a century, who was not a soldier, and I almost was:


I have to thank my mother for that.

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