I think of my brother Paul, dead at the age of 43 January 1996, blind, emaciated, scarcely able to move. We thought it was AIDS, wasn't till November 2021 and RFKjr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" I grasped it was AZT... Despite everything you've written – and I don't doubt a word of any of it – I can't think of a period in history that's been quite so appalling as The Covid Fraudemic.

Except of course, the aftermath...🤔

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Definitely, the COVID "pandemic" was the biggest instance of the medical racket's being in our faces, and it woke a few more people up. Whether there will be enough of them to right the ship is the question...

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I also had a relative killed in the early 1990s by AZT, and did not realize it until I read Kennedy's book.

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Don't think I ever sent you this, but here's my experiences during the Fraudemic:

"Mending the Deck Chairs on the 'Titanic' – Prelude" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/mending-the-deckchairs-on-the-titanic

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Sorry to hear of your travails. Other than losing my career, my experience was not very eventful.

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What I've experienced in life is pretty much nothing compared to what you've experienced in life...

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Trying to make me some lemonade! :)

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My "career" was scotched in 1986... 🤔

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