The Trump Presidency, 2.0, Part 6: Nuclear Disarmament and the Energy Issue
The mixed bag of his ambitions.
Yesterday, one of the MDs on my blogroll wrote a very interesting article on Trump’s longstanding desire to eliminate the world’s nuclear weapons and Trump’s desire to be carved into Mount Rushmore. As I wrote about Kennedy and how he is no saint, Trump has plenty of high self-regard and wants to go on Mount Rushmore. The monument itself is an imperial abomination, built on sacred native land, but if Trump can end the specter of nuclear war, I am fine with his Mount Rushmore dreams. As that MD, Matt Bivens, noted, seizing Greenland is not enough for Trump to get there.
Many historical figures that were far from saints were responsible for important historical events, such as Stalin’s defeat of Hitler, or how red-baiting Nixon achieved détente with the Soviet Union and thawed relations with China. Trying to end the Cold War likely cost JFK his life, and Nixon’s similar attempt may have also cost him the presidency. Heck, I have even seen praise for Genghis Khan’s “advances” in statecraft and other practices, even though his hordes killed about 10% of humanity.
If Trump can end biowarfare research and the specter of nuclear war, he gets my vote for Mount Rushmore, especially since Biden and the neocons goaded Russia toward nuclear war over Ukraine.
On the energy issue, it is a bit different. One pal heard that Trump might bring out free energy during this stint as president. I’ll believe it when I see it, but if Trump did that, he deserves his own monument for bringing about the biggest event in the human journey. So far, what I see from Trump on that angle is drilling for more oil. Trump does not exactly embrace the idea of Global Warming (a typical right-wing stance), but if free energy comes out under his watch, it won’t matter.
But in the big picture, if free energy comes out under Trump, it will be because it was allowed to. Trump is as much a puppet of higher forces as all presidents since JFK have been, if a little more “populist,” although the idea of populist billionaires is a non-sequitur. If free energy comes out through the retail political process, it means that the issue was resolved at the global-elite level, which sits far above the American president in the world’s power structure. But if Trump wants to take credit for it, that is fine by me. And since Trump wants to end the specter of nuclear war, I am sure that he would want free energy to be safely implemented, and it easily could be. It is possible that the assassination attempt has changed Trump somewhat, as brushes with death can do.
I am not a QAnon guy and don’t put much faith in retail politics. But I never thought that I would live to see somebody like Kennedy nominated to run the USA’s medical bureaucracy. Maybe I am being unreasonably optimistic, but I am sure not going to stop what I am doing and hope that a politician saves humanity. But I would welcome it.
Any faith in anyOne on the stage, the cave wall (Our screens), in the political arena is working for the moneyed psychopaths in control. And free energy will never be released. It has to be wrested from Them, successful experiments shared widely, without patent. (Patents alert Them and They WILL make sure the tech is buried, one way or another.)
Because free energy WILL make Their single tool to power (money in any form) pointless. The foundational function of money is to account for Our energy added into a system. Add free energy and the whole point to money vanishes.
(My definition of money: anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).)
Escape the Cave! (article):
80% of Us Merely Move Money (article):
Free Market Capitalism? (article):