What a Successful Free-Energy Effort Might Look Like
My Views on the Issue, from a Lifetime of Trial and Error
My previous post was about why all independent free-energy efforts have failed to date. This post will be about what might work. Tomorrow, Joe Biden could call a press conference and announce a $10 billion effort to develop free energy technology for the market, with civilian oversight, all the bases covered to make it safe to implement, to soon be rolled out to all of humanity. Or a high-tech mogul such as Bill Gates could announce the same and fund it with his foundation. Or Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, or the Google founders, among others, could do the same. If any of those events happen, the Fifth Epoch is right around the corner. Make no mistake: those billionaires are all well aware of free energy, but you won’t hear them utter a peep. When rich elites have gotten involved, genuinely wanting to help, they got horse heads in their beds. I heard my first story like that in 1987. Billionaires swarmed Dennis when he was riding high, and Steven Greer has had countless encounters with them. But they will be no help, any of them, for various reasons, mostly because none of them have the right stuff. You don’t become a zillionaire or sitting American president by being a humanitarian. The world does not work that way.
What about the rest of us, the unwashed masses? I burned up quite a bit of my life on mass-movement efforts before I finally realized how futile that approach was for this. The mass-movement mentality will never get the job done. There are too many perils and temptations in this for the egocentric, which nearly all people are in our world of scarcity and fear, to the degree that they make lukewarm allies at best and will cheer as you are burned at the stake.
Making the biggest event in the human journey happen is not for dabblers, gawkers, opportunists, and the like. Even the people fit for this will need to raise their games. I have written at length for many years on what a successful approach might look like, and it will likely have these qualities:
1. It will be rooted in love – and everything else comes in a distant second place;
2. It can’t be money-hungry – that is the doom of all such projects, and when money begins changing hands, everything changes and the effort becomes highly vulnerable to internal and external pressures, including organized suppression;
3. It has to be enlightened or at least aspire to it;
4. It can’t dance with the devil, especially in the early stages;
5. Each person who is involved needs to be self-empowered.
That might seem easy, but it is anything but. People who care for something beyond their immediate self-interest or their in-group’s welfare are extremely rare, but they are the only people who can root the effort in love. I have spent all of my “spare” time since 1990, and took several years off from my career, to build my body of work, to reduce the intellectual lift that I ask of my readers. I not only never asked for a dime, but it likely costed me millions of dollars in foregone income. Not many people can do that, but I did it largely to avoid the money-hungriness pit. I don’t need any money to do what I do. If my effort ever gets to the stage where we will “do something,” we will fund the effort ourselves.
The part of its being enlightened is a major point of my work, and scientific literacy is part of that enlightenment process. People do not need to be any more scientifically literate than it takes to understand my 2014 essay and the one that I published in June of this year. Popularized science is plenty enough for what I am doing. Part of enlightenment is exercising keen discernment.
Dennis Lee danced with the devil repeatedly and many lives were wrecked, including mine. Lives were even shortened (1, 2). The agents of organized suppression can’t be welcomed into these kinds of efforts, and I don’t want to bury anybody else whom I got involved with this.
Finally, each person in a successful effort will need to be personally empowered, not seeking empowerment from others. The global elite are all about seeking power from others, and the masses oblige them. A successful effort will be mounted by people who are involved for reasons of combined positive intention, focused on the goal, not on self-seeking.
The people who check all of those boxes are very few and far between, but they are the only people who can help much with an effort like mine. I have clearly outlined what my approach would look like if it worked.
Blessings to all who have tried to crack this nut, even the greedy inventors, and this brings me to the latest effort, by Steven Greer. His is the highest-profile free-energy effort since Dennis’s in 1996. Greer’s approach of open-sourcing the technology is a big step in the right direction. I have compared Greer’s approach to my ideal approach, and in several ways, Greer’s efforts are a cause for concern. Can his effort do enough of the right things while avoiding the fatal pitfalls? We will see, but I have purposely avoided getting involved with Greer’s effort. He is aware of my work and considers it too scholarly. He may be right, but the biggest event in the human journey deserves many approaches beyond the time-worn paths of failure. I wish Greer the best and nobody would be happier than me to see his effort succeed, but I am doing something that nobody else on Earth was doing, so I had to try it out. It has consumed my life, but I regret nothing.