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Hi Dr. Wlazlak:

Working free-energy prototypes are removed from circulation almost immediately, with the carrots and sticks that I know so well:


You have never heard of most of them. My initial orientation to the energy issue was the inventor's, as I grew up in an inventor's workshop.


I eventually learned that inventors are a small part of the problem. If I need to interact with free-energy inventors again, I may give you a ring.



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Thank you Wade, Well: I have my prototypes on the shelf the information goes into circulation but the biggest problem is people are not on the same page of understanding the concepts of how working technology really is made to work. If fact I think after seeing many I mean All, of the technology that was thought to be workable is not so much so workable after all. But people do not have the knowledge to know that.

I agree the inventors are a small part of the problem, the biggest problem is people talking about what should be done but only talking about what should be done not really doing anything about doing something or anything real, lots and lots of talking.

So it really turns out to be if someone has the thing people are looking for they are told by everyone that is everyone is Who? self - Suppressing what they are talking about finding in the first place, Around and around it goes, not the free energy device, the non-sense of the looker that never want to know if things are real or not, because once the real deal is found, no more talk is needed, Yes - But I also see you do not wish to know the answer to how a working systems may be able to work, Like all the rest - Scary concepts for and all a goodnight.

In the long run it don't really matter, people will end up with the information of how my technology works. I am somewhat well off and getting a web page one of many is in the near future. I mean I am not going to stop until the whole world knows the answer, I just wanted to know if you are one of them that is are the are not's - wanting to really do something, You are not. just a face in the crowd. that is all. sorry for the truth by the truth it is.

So no need to give me a ring at any time, ( just wait a bit it will find you unless you hide from the future as so many will try to do. )

I am not really an inventor, I am a Engineer, That is really good at what I do.

so many give so little to so few for so long it makes you say > What does that mean?

This is why I am looking for a somebody that is looking for what I have to make them the somebody that is a face in the crowd people will say ( That's him )

But it must be the right stuff of the him has or it a waist of time for me and mine.

Din-ma Dr. Wlazlak - Vashon Washington state USA

Fun stuff - only a 15 minute boat ride form seattle

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The technology is not the issue. There are thousands of prototypes sitting on shelves. Bye.

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