Near the end of Brian’s life, when I was doing interviews, Brian came on after me a couple of times, we did more joint interviews, and for one of his interviews, Brian went into detail on the “heart attack” that ultimately shortened his life. But after giving the interview and before it was published, Brian decided against it and that part never aired and likely never will. I only wrote about it after Brian’s death, after trying to get his family’s permission, but got nowhere with that, so I have written about the event somewhat cryptically, at least while the people involved that I know of are not all dead yet. As with David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, when the time is right and if I outlive them, I will name names of a few famous people that harried Brian.
Near his life’s end, Brian expressed his dismay that even in so-called “progressive” efforts, free-energy was completely off of the table of potential solutions to our existential problems. It was kind of surreal to Brian, which led to his “sentient species” musings. His Suppression Syndrome remains relevant today. His Project Camelot interview is a good summary of his late-life views.
What is standard with people such as Brian is that their family and friends want nothing to do with their life’s work, as they regard it as strange, threatening, and it often led to a lot of personal pain and upheaval. My fellow travelers nearly all went through something similar, and many lives were shortened. Brian had his own website that hosted his many writings, partly because he was booted out of the New Energy Movement. The Internet is quite ephemeral, and when writers like Brian die, their websites often die with them and vanish from the Internet. I did my best to keep Brian’s site alive and made repeated offers to host Brian’s site, but the person who maintained it was trying to sell Brian’s books through the site, which was needless. Several years ago, Brian’s site disappeared. What a tragedy.
I have made some provisions so that my site will outlive me, but one reason why I am writing at Substack is so that my work might outlive me, even if the other venues disappear. I have plans for a book, if for no other reason than books outlive their authors while websites often do not. It is a shame that our system works that way. In my opinion, there should be something like a Library of Congress for websites to be preserved, for those that want to be preserved. The process would not be difficult or expensive to implement. Today, there is a failing private effort to do that, but it is inadequate for the task.
It is time to reflect on Brian’s life a little. What a life. His journey was so preposterous that being asked/ordered to go to Mars was an amusing footnote. From astronomer to astronaut to Ivy League professor to political activist to fringe scientist to the Paul Revere of Free Energy, there has never been a life quite like Brian’s. People of conscience, living it at those levels, are very rare on Earth today. The arrival of free-energy technology to public awareness and use will be the biggest event in the human journey, by far, as the world as we know it will end. If that day comes, Brian will become an important historical figure, instead of the fringe nut that the Establishment regarded him as. But many scientists were ahead of their time, and their work languished in obscurity, to only become vindicated many years after their deaths, such as Wegener and Birkeland.
Make no mistake – free energy, antigravity, and related technologies are older than I am but are sequestered from public awareness and use by history’s greatest cover-up, which is related to the ET cover-up. If E. Howard Hunt is to be believed, JFK was killed over the cover-up, and that does not surprise me.
I loved Brian, and it was an honor to carry his spears.
Hi Gayle:
Thanks for reading. My first edition of Gary's book is in bad shape, as it was cheaply printed, as was the 1996 edition. But the new edition is in hardback and will outlive me. I plan to make some Gary posts here at Substack. I haven't been back to VC since I left in 1990, and don't plan to. Too many traumatic memories. Have fun in the sun.
Thanks for your work. I have been reading off and on for years. I have Gary's book and live in VC.
I get lost in the links LOL and don't come up for awhile.