Conspiratorial Topics – Part 14
The degenerative-disease and infectious-disease rackets and current events
I read an article recently on cancer cause and treatment, along with the stir around RFK, Jr.’s possible role in the coming Trump administration, and the cancer racket is a classic instance of the structural/conspiratorial issues around a racket. Sam Husseini wrote an excellent article on how the Democrats handed the election to Trump, partly with their pandemic policies, but Sam wonders if Trump will be worse in the end. These are huge, wide-ranging subjects that I can only skim in a Substack post, but here goes.
Briefly, on current events, fluoride is an industrial waste that got a makeover into compulsory “medicine” by scientists and officials with surreal conflicts of interest. The early fluoride promoters, before World War II, all worked for leading fluoride polluters, especially aluminum refining. There were fluoride-pollution disasters in the early 20th century, and in 1931, three independent studies identified the fluorine ion as the cause of tooth mottling, as the teeth disintegrate, and there was an effort to remove fluoride (the fluorine ion) from the water supply. But the world’s leading fluoride polluter at the time, ALCOA, was able to subvert the process by setting scientists and employees under its influence to turn reality upside down and announce, with zero credible science to support it, that fluoride was good for teeth instead. I have not often seen reality turned completely upside down like that. A recent example is how the media completely flipped perpetrators and victims in the multiple genocides in Rwanda and Congo, which Ed Herman wrote extensively about.
The flipping of fluoride from deadly industrial waste to a tooth’s best friend was well on its way by World War II, but it received a huge boost by the Manhattan Project, when fluorine was essential for separating out the uranium isotope that made nuclear weapons possible. A huge fluorine accident by the Manhattan Project was covered up, and a Manhattan Project scientist, Harold Hodge, became the face of fluoridation. Hodge was the USA’s counterpart to Mengele, as he experimented with plutonium on unwitting subjects. Hodge kept his Manhattan Project affiliations secret as he became the leading voice in fluoridation, and he picked the one part-per-million (PPM) level that has been added to the American water supply since before I was born. It is indisputable that 2 PPM fluoride causes dental fluorosis (which is also visible evidence of extensive fluoride poisoning). When not being a fluoride propagandist, Hodge recommended a 100-to-1 safety window for potentially hazardous food additives, but recommended a 2-to-1 window for fluoride, even though there is plenty of evidence of harm at concentrations far below 1 PPM. It is one of the greatest frauds in the history of public health.
I recently wrote about the recent courtroom victory on fluoridation, which I did not think that I would live to see. Now, RFK, Jr., is talking about removing fluoride from the water supply (only about a century overdue), which would be a miracle to me. We’ll see how that goes. I have already seen the media mount a propaganda campaign against that. I do not put much stock into what I call retail politics, but this is an amazing development.
Similarly, there has never been a credible study on the safety of vaccines administered to American children, as the infectious-disease racket has been dominant since before I was born. Infectious disease was conquered before I was born, and Anthony Fauci led what I have come to call Medical Racket, Version 2.0. There is no credible evidence that medical interventions had anything to do with conquering infectious disease. Infectious disease was conquered by improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene, which were side effects of industrialization and led to the biggest event in the human journey so far: the elimination of childhood death. Instead of the death of half of all children, in a trend that went back to gorillas, almost none do today in industrial nations.
It turns out that the fluoride issue is highly relevant to the cancer issue, and it took me many years to understand the mechanisms of it. The fluorine ion is especially disruptive to mitochondrial processes, and particularly making ATP, which is the coin of energy of all life on Earth. When my family changed its diet when I was 12, from processed food to whole food, which led to a health miracle for my father, the science around it did not go into metabolism and mitochondria. But in my studies over the past generation, metabolism, which is rooted in the mitochondria for complex life, took on great evolutionary significance. I then read what I long suspected, that the metabolic disease that processed food causes is at the root of all degenerative disease. Up to 98% of Americans have metabolic disease. That article that I began this post with is about the metabolic theory of cancer, which is more than a century old.
What I found especially interesting in that article was the DNA fetish among orthodox cancer researchers. Metabolism, not DNA, is the problem. It perfectly dovetailed with Nick Lane’s work on metabolism and evolution, as he argued that energy outranks reproduction in biology, but the DNA fetish among scientists has overemphasized DNA, which is more of a symptom than a cause in cancer. I heard a cancer-researcher pal discuss this 20 years ago, as he found that heredity had almost nothing to do with breast cancer.
When the metabolic nature of degenerative disease is understood, the sheer insanity of attacking cancer tumors becomes evident, but that is all that orthodox medicine knows how to do, under its warfare paradigm. Almost none of the many alternative cancer treatments that I am aware of, which have all been suppressed by the cancer racket, attacked the tumor. Instead, they worked to cure metabolic disease and rehabilitate the immune system, so that the immune system could deal with it.
The people at the tops of the infectious-disease and degenerative-disease rackets understand what I am writing about, but trillions of dollars are at stake, in one of the greatest rackets on Earth. But, as with similar situations, it is 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity, as the structural aspects outrank the conspiratorial ones.
That may be a bridge too far for Kennedy and Trump to cross right now, but I will watch with interest. I did not expect to live to see these issues become as prominent as this, and the COVID response is partly why, as the medical racket was in everybody’s face.