Conspiratorial Topics – Part 3
A little more on exotic-technology suppression and barriers to comprehension
Before I leave the suppression of exotic technology for the other conspiratorial topics that I plan to cover, I would like to discuss a few more issues related to it. Since it is the most important topic on Earth, it deserves a little more examination, although I have already discussed it plenty in my public writings and at Substack. There is always more to explore on that subject, as it has many dimensions. Energy does not just run the universe; energy is the universe. Nothing will ever outrank the energy issue in our universe.
In 2007, I wrote about the levels of free-energy awareness. I invented those categories in less than an hour, as I recall, as I had thousands of reactions to the idea of free energy to draw upon. For the few people who get past the denial levels (1, 2, and 3), they usually end up in Levels 4, 5, or 8. Very few actually try to do something about the situation.
What most reactions below Level 12 have in common are delusions about how the world really works. And that is not really because of some conspiracy to brainwash people, at least not entirely or even substantially. Everybody gets indoctrinated and conditioned into their particular in-group ideologies, and scientists are far from immune to it, as Brian O’Leary noted in his Suppression Syndrome discussion.
Wiping out the competition is the essence of capitalism, as Adam Smith noted before capitalism even had a name. Disruptive technologies can be very bad for business and can even wipe out entire industries and professions. Potentially disruptive innovations are usually stolen or suppressed where the big industries and professions are concerned.
Our societal systems are criminal enterprises, from top to bottom. With systems that are that corrupt, conspiracies to tilt the table even more in their favor should not be surprising. I’ll be writing about the medical racket in these posts, but here is a little preview. The dictator of American medicine promoted cigarettes for a generation and even spearheaded the “research” for an asbestos cigarette filter, of all things. That same man made sure that the Journal of the American Medical Association never hinted that smoking and lung cancer might be related, although German scientists learned that a generation earlier and even King James I campaigned against tobacco. That same man also tried to buy out and monopolize cancer treatments (1, 2), and then wiped them out when they refused to sell out. And it was all unrelated? His right and left hands were not aware of each other? In order to dismiss conspiratorial intent, people have to believe that the right and left sides of Morris Fishbein’s brain were ignorant of each other. Maybe he really was that stupid, or maybe he knew exactly what he was doing.
I see the same thing today when watching sporting events on TV, as an ad for junk food is followed by an ad for a drug that treats the symptoms of eating junk food. And nobody high up sees the connection? I call it vertical integration in the medical racket.
I found that the only people who can help with that I am doing have to care and be awake, which means relinquishing their in-group conditioning, which is particularly insidious with the “smart.” They are often the most brainwashed of all, as Orwell noted. I seek disillusioned idealists, and my message is that not all is lost. There is a way out of this existential mess, but it will take an unprecedented act of integrity and sentience by a relative few, and nobody needs to risk their lives.
That there is a global effort to ensure that the most disruptive technologies of all never see the light of day should not be surprising. I lived through enough, and traded notes with people such as Brian enough, and the tales of Tom Bearden and Steven Greer perfectly aligned with my experiences, so that people really have to have their heads in the sand to deny it all. But that does not mean becoming a QAnon crazy, either. There is a middle path, of acknowledgment without a tabloid-level paranoid obsession, as people think like victims instead of creators. Not many can walk that razor’s edge, but they are the people that I seek. The heart has to lead this one, then the world as we know it will end, and nobody will miss it.