Free-Energy Inventors and My Effort
When the Time Is Right, There Will Be No Lack of Free-Energy Inventors
As I recently wrote, I was approached by a free-energy inventor at Substack. I just reread my post on free-energy inventors and free-energy physics, and I adequately covered the topic, but I can expand on my strategy. Without what I call a choir, the rest is pointless. Free energy is not going to come from some inventor/messiah, here to save us all. For an effort to have a prayer, it is going to need many thousands of people who are on the same page. The group that I have in mind is like nothing that has ever been seen on Earth before, so I am trying to roll my own.
My initial orientation to the energy issue was the inventor’s, with my background. I saw inventors as heroes. My days with Dennis Lee cured me of that orientation. My first inkling that I was deluded about inventors came a few months after I met Dennis, when an inventor in his stable told me how inventors acted. That inventor soon showed his true colors, too, but he was far from alone. The closest thing that I ever met to an altruistic inventor was my mentor, which is what helped mislead me. I thought that he was normal, when he was highly unusual.
I saw a parade of inventors come through Dennis’s doors. Not one of them had the right stuff. They were trying to get rich and famous, sold themselves to the highest bidder, and regularly betrayed our effort. No wonder the friendly buyout offer works so well. But very few free-energy inventors have anything that works. I have seen the estimate that over 95% of them don’t, and that made sense to me. Dennis flew around the USA, meeting with free-energy inventors.
I have seen free-energy prototypes, watched them work, and laid my hands on them. We were building some when we were wiped out. Brian O’Leary traveled the world for several years, visiting free-energy labs and workshops. He saw enough that worked that he became the Paul Revere of Free Energy. I heard of Sparky Sweet’s device before I left my home town in 1990, heard people such as Mark Comings speak of their adventures, and my close friend told me of his underground exotic technology show. For many years, I have been dreading the day when somebody tries to give me their free-energy prototype. There are people in my life who might try, and I will decline that offer if I ever get it. My effort is not ready for it.
I have encountered probably a dozen alternative physics models, and their primary upshot is always free energy. For the technically minded, they can try to digest Sparky’s paper. Even if that inventor that approached me didn’t immediately come off as unhinged, the last thing that I need right now is another inventor explaining how his prototype works. Thousands of energy (including free energy) prototypes sit on shelves across the USA and the world. I have seen and heard of them, in garages, sheds, and warehouses.
Dennis sold the best heating system that has ever been on the world market. I spent months back in 1990-1991 studying thermodynamics, Mr. Mentor’s and Victor Fischer’s patents, after I met with the literal rocket scientist who was the greatest champion of Mr. Mentor’s engine, and I understood the science behind why Dennis’s heat pump was so superior to anything else on the market. Dennis’s heat pump’s performance is easily explained with garden-variety thermodynamics, but I am still waiting, over 30 years later, to have my first robust discussion with anybody on why his heat pump was so superior. If nobody can have that conversation with me, how useless is a free-energy physics discussion going to be?
The point in my writings on free-energy theory is that Nikola Tesla, David Bohm, and others thought that free energy was possible. So, when I hear from scientists and engineers that free energy is “impossible,” I just shake my head. They are the professional descendants of scientists who called the light bulb and human-powered flight impossible. Soon before he died, Brian told me that today’s scientists are more closed-minded than they were in the days of Edison and the Wright brothers, as if scientists have learned nothing since then.
And I know that free-energy technology exists. That is the craziest part of all, when people tell me that something that already exists is impossible.
There may come a time when an effort like mine is ready to actually “do something,” and if that day arrives, there will be no shortage of free-energy inventors who hawk their wares, with their explanations of how they work, etc. For what I am doing, that day is a long way off.