Free energy is an overwhelming subject and appropriately so, as its arrival will be the biggest event in the human journey. I have likened hearing about free energy to a Rorschach test, as everybody projects their awareness onto it. Vanishingly few achieve productive understandings, generally because their awareness is trapped in the many levels of scarcity in our world. I am sympathetic to their plight and am here to help them escape. But, realistically, only the arrival of abundance on the back of free energy will liberate them.
The first comments on my Substack site were from a scientist who read my work for ten whole minutes before he decided to educate me on what science was and why free energy is impossible. That was a standard response that Brian O’Leary received from the tops of the world’s scientific, academic, and “progressive” organizations as he played the Paul Revere of Free Energy, which I came to call the Level 3 response. The reactions that Brian received were so crazed that he began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species.
My work has been consciously comprehensive ever since I read some of Bucky Fuller’s work in 2003. Developing a comprehensive perspective is not easy, but when people aspire to achieve it, it helps keep their feet on the ground, so they do not fly off in unproductive directions. A million rabbit holes to nowhere await the unwary, and I try to steer my readers around them.
In the six weeks since I began my Substack site, more than a thousand people have visited, with nearly 100 subscribers and followers. That is not a bad start, which gives me some optimism about this approach. But my work has always attracted trolls, crazies, and others who try to drag the conversations into those rabbit holes, wreck them entirely, etc. Several times, I have been kicked out and chased out of forums by troll/admin alliances. Until Substack, I only wrote for my own site and the Avalon forum, where Bill Ryan and his pals kept the trolls at bay, and I still get attacked there with some regularity. If Substack did not have a banning feature, I never would have joined.
I have already had to ban two commenters at my Substack site, and they are representative of what I have encountered over the years. I do not shrink from conspiratorial topics, so my work has always attracted conspiracists, who often promote the nuttiest scenarios that you have ever heard of. The craziest ones never provide anything in the realm of credible evidence, but it is all wild tabloid speculation. A conspiracist commented on my JFK assassination post that the entire affair was a big hoax. Of course, he refused to provide any evidence, tried to turn the tables on me and make me prove that it wasn’t a hoax, while insulting me. It was the first time that I used the banning feature at Substack, and it will be far from the last.
I recently had to ban a free-energy inventor, whose responses were typical, laced with arrogance and insults. I grew up around inventors, scientists, and engineers, and they are often social misfits and poorly grounded. I am deeply sympathetic to their plight, but much of it is self-created. Free-energy inventors often go off the deep end, declaring themselves to be the Second Coming or Messiah, and expect to be paid a trillion dollars for their invention. It took me many years to finally understand what the problems of inventors were. I called their affliction “inventoritis,” while Steven Greer called it the “Crazy Inventor Syndrome.” The free-energy issue challenges anybody’s ego, and I have witnessed countless casualties since the 1980s.
I have heard these songs so many times that I can name that tune in one note. With that conspiracist and free-energy inventor, I knew in their first posts where they were heading, but still gave them a chance before they showed their true colors.
We will see when the first “skeptic” arrives. I have been at this for most of my life and have seen and heard it all. There are a million ways to fail to achieve productive understandings of these issues, but only a few paths to a productive awareness, and I am here to help the people I seek achieve it. I am an old man now with a great sense of urgency. I do not have the time or interest to engage time-wasters and assailants. The world is full of them. I am looking for people who can learn to hit the notes. There are not many of them on Earth, but my approach does not need many, either.
Again, the free-energy issue is overwhelming, and people need to approach it very carefully. It is not for dabblers, those looking to become rich and famous, those looking for quick fixes to humanity’s existential problems, those looking to fulfill their social needs, etc., etc. This is the big leagues.