Gary Wean’s Preposterous Life – Part 3
The credibility of Gary’s conversation with John Tower about the JFK assassination
On the momentous day that I met Gary Wean, he gave me the advice that was critical to my springing Dennis out of jail two months later, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. Gary advice was this: no official in the USA would intervene in the evil events in Ventura. They are all in the same club, and what was happening to us was normal in the USA’s legal system. Gary said that the only reason why he was alive was that he never broke the law. If he had, then the gangster judges would have had their excuse to murder him, which those judges regularly did. Ventura County has been ranked as the most corrupt county in the USA (it always makes the top five), and I was discovering it the hard way.
During our conversation, which was held across the street from where Dennis sat with his astronomical bail, Gary talked about how courtroom transcripts were altered by erasing his statements, how the gangster officials broke into his business and “found” an extension-cord “violation,” and when Gary saw that the jury was stacked with relatives of firemen, he knew that his goose was cooked. Gary survived at least one murder attempt, for being the gadfly that he was. Gary constantly filed lawsuits, trying to get the evidence on the record, and the court clerks would just put his documents through the shredder, so that they could say that they were “lost.” When Rodney Stich was kangarooed into prison in California by the CIA and friends, they did it one better than Gary experienced, in that they altered the transcripts to show the exact opposite of what the testimony was. Anybody familiar with the Warren Commission knows that it regularly altered witness testimony to show the opposite of what they testified to.
This is how our vaunted system works. The Nazi system was more honest in ways. Gary and Rodney were whistleblowers of the highest order. While Ralph McGehee was one of the greatest whistleblowers ever, Gary lived it at another level, with lawsuits and regularly risking his life. For anybody who is familiar with those levels of the game, it is ludicrous to suggest that Gary fabricated the John Tower conversation. You don’t make stuff up, when people are looking for a reason to murder you.
Gary was an old-school policeman who believed that the fair application of reasonable laws made for a more just society. That was one reason why he and Audie Murphy became such close friends. In 1990, when I began my studies, which have not ended, the JFK assassination was one of my topics. I did not go public with my findings until 2001. I never saw a credible piece of evidence contradict Gary’s story, and as documents have been declassified and new witnesses have come forward, Gary’s tale has only been strengthened, especially by the Operation Northwoods document. But there was vastly more, such as how ridiculous the Magic Bullet hypothesis is. The recent revelation, of another bullet in JFK’s limousine, is just one more rock on the mountain of evidence that buries the Warren Commission’s blatant lies.
But Gary was also a right winger and he was no scholar. Detractors have pointed out Gary’s “bigotry” in his book, but I heard worse every day in my home while growing up. Gary was not unusual for his time in that regard. Gary suffered so much at the hands of Jewish gangsters that he bought into antisemitic “scholarship” that argued that the Jewish Holocaust never happened. I have studied that scholarship, and unless one is well-read, it is easy to get gulled by writings like those. To this day, I hear from conspiracists who believe the most crazed yarns that have literally no credible evidence to support them. I recently finished a long series of posts on conspiratorial topics, how to fruitfully approach them, what rabbit holes to avoid (such as faked Moon Landings, which I am contacted about to this day, even by scientists), and what seems valid. There are even flat-Earthers out there, spinning their “theories.” I get sent flat-Earth stuff periodically, and one pal’s friend really believes that Earth is flat, and it is covered up by history’s greatest conspiracy. I don’t know what can top that on the craziness scale.
While the Northwoods document was declassified in 1997, ten years after Gary’s book was published, it did not come to the public’s attention until 2001, after I had already finished the JFK part of my cover-up essay, and I did not hear about it until years later. In my opinion, Gary’s testimony should have been the center-of-gravity of all JFK researchers since the Northwoods document became public knowledge.
Some serious researchers have given Gary’s testimony a place of prominence, but not enough, in my opinion. Gary was a policeman and investigator, so it is no surprise that he would try his hand at reconstructing the scenario that took JFK’s life. When Gary did that, he was just like the rest of us. While Jews do not come up at all in the Tower conversation, Gary is the originator of the “Jews did it” hypothesis of the JFK hit. Gary knew that Jack Ruby was a high-ranking Jewish mobster, so Jewish mobsters were definitely involved. Mickey Cohen was not only Ruby’s close associate, but he was also a close associate of Menachem Begin, the mass murderer who won a Nobel Peace Prize as Israel’s prime minister. Nobody has to connect too many dots to implicate Israel, which was definitely a beneficiary of JFK’s murder. Around when he published his book in 1987, Gary walked into the offices of the Spotlight, in Washington, D.C., and he gave a journalist there, Michael Collins Piper, the idea for his “Israel did it” book, titled Final Judgment. Gary did not think that Piper gave Gary’s testimony enough prominence in his first efforts, but in Final Judgment, an entire chapter is devoted to Gary’s testimony. I ended up in the middle of that controversy at one point. I recently reviewed an “Israel did it” book, and the book was a shabby effort, in my opinion.
I don’t know what all of Gary’s evidence was, but he thought that Arlen Specter was a key player in interposing Hunt’s operation. Specter not only authored the untenable Magic Bullet theory, but he became infamous for badgering witnesses whose testimony did not dovetail with the “Oswald did it” theory of the JFK hit.
My take is that Jewish mobsters were definitely involved in the JFK hit, from Gary’s Ruby testimony alone, and while Israel was definitely a beneficiary of JFK’s murder and may have had some involvement, I doubt that Israelis were the masterminds. Stich was privy to tapes made of J. Edgar Hoover’s phone calls (nobody was immune from the spooks!), in which Hoover planned the JFK hit with Lyndon Johnson, Nelson Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, and George H.W. Bush, and none of that surprises me at all. Dulles and Hoover began the cover-up as soon as JFK was murdered. Hunt told the original Watergate attorney that JFK was killed over the ET issue, and that also makes sense to me, and was likely related to JFK’s efforts to end the Cold War. JFK’s planned joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union may have triggered the ET angle, as NASA was concerned about encountering ETs on the Moon, and Apollo 11 may well have. Brian O’Leary’s life was shortened when he snooped into the ET issue.
If I had to put my money on it, I would go with the Eastern Oligarchy and Military Industrial Complex, and David Rockefeller may have been the chairman of the board of the operation. But I am also not set on who ultimately was behind it, I doubt that the crime will ever be definitively solved, and the primary folly of most JFK assassination researchers is trying to solve the crime. It is enough to know that Oswald did not do it, and the American presidency was permanently demoted with JFK’s death. All American presidents since JFK were expendable puppets and knew it.
Gary’s Tower testimony stands on its own, as did his encounters with Jack Ruby. But people have conflated Gary’s testimony with his theories to then dismiss all of it. That is incompetent reasoning. I have long written about evidence and interpretation, and the failures of scholars to properly deal with them.
You can take Gary’s testimony on Tower and Ruby to the bank, and leave his theorizing aside. I’ll end this post with a little anecdote. In the late 1990s, I was contacted by a man who had been a Ventura policeman, and he witnessed a courtroom event that Gary wrote about in his book. He got Gary’s book, and it was revelatory until the point when Gary went off on Jews near the end. He got me to forward his questions to Gary on Jews, and I wish that I had not agreed to that. More than once I let people around me use me as their conduits of critiques to public figures that I knew, and I’ll never do it again. Gary contacted me after that, to make sure that all was still well between us (it was), but I think that that was the last time that Gary and I interacted, as he died a year or two later (Gary died in 2004). But after the USA’s invasion of Iraq, flogged along by Jewish neocons such as Wolfowitz, Perle, and Abrams, that ex-cop asked me if Gary was right all along.