The foregoing 19 posts on conspiratorial topics were intended to present what I have encountered and learned on my journey, as I engaged many controversial topics, or they engaged me. My first taste was during my early days with Dennis Lee. I joined his company as it was being killed off by the power structure in Washington State, and the global elite seem to have been involved. Then the company was stolen, and my boss helped engineer the theft. A corporate hit man joined the company, which resulted in one employee’s death. There were definitely conspiratorial events in those Seattle days, engaged in by many different people and interests. It was bewildering at times. Little did I know that my adventures were just beginning.
The Massachusetts authorities were sicced on Dennis by the Washington authorities, as Dennis tried to rebuild his effort in Boston. When I became Dennis’s partner a few months later, we were soon contacted by the people who run the world, but they never identified themselves and they worked through intermediaries. I knew that we were on a global stage, even in my naïveté in those days, and I suspected that we would be wiped out, but suspecting that something might happen and actually living through it are two different issues. Another corporate hit man was sicced on our Ventura company, and he led a successful effort to steal the company when Dennis was in jail with his million-dollar bail, mere weeks after declining the CIA’s billion-dollar offer to fold the operation. I will never know how deeply it all went, but I eventually learned that we gave the people who run the world some interesting days at the office.
But as influential as the global elite were in those events, my greatest learning experience was watching what everybody around me did, watching corrupt officials in action and a lying media, and how a few of us stood up to the hurricane and somehow survived it, albeit with ruined and shortened lives. The non-conspiratorial aspects amazed me the most, some of which I refused to believe at first, although my moment of truth was on the witness stand, when a psychopath unmasked himself to me. Then it all came together in an epiphany, and my life was never the same after that.
What surprised me the most was not the conspiratorial behaviors, but how easily people fell for them, like puppets that were being danced on strings, as the psychopaths played them like violins, appealing to the greed and fear of their targets. I learned my journey’s primary lesson in those days.
In my days of study after those events, I kept seeing the same dynamics repeatedly. While there was often conspiratorial behavior, it was the non-conspiratorial behavior that was often the most consequential. The conspirators rarely had to be very active in their interventions. They would intervene here and there, through intermediaries, and then let nature take its course, as their targets often self-destructed, usually not even aware of how they had been targeted. If they began to suspect that they were targeted, they often lashed out at their allies in their paranoia, so that they became unwitting accomplices in their self-destruction.
I can’t overemphasize the lessons that I learned in those days, and everything in my life since then has been the small stuff. As I performed my studies, I found that the 1% conspiracy and 99% complicity ratio that I saw during my adventures applied to most similar situations. I will now summarize those 19 prior posts, with a few comments, so that this post can serve as an index of sorts, ordered differently from how they were originally presented.
I have to start with my own adventures in the energy business and what I eventually learned from people close to me. Free-energy and antigravity technologies are older than I am, but have been suppressed in history’s greatest cover-up, which is conjoined with the ET cover-up. JFK seems to have been murdered over it, and I found that people had severe barriers to comprehension, mainly because of their indoctrination and conditioning. We had numerous encounters with the global elite, and they were rarely pleasant. The global elite play the game at higher levels than what I call the retail elite – elites in the public eye. The global elite hide in the shadows, as it is good for business to be invisible to the public. Oh, the stories that I have heard from those close to me.
Brian O’Leary described the situation as the Suppression Syndrome, and everybody on Earth bears some responsibility for this situation. Our societal systems are corrupt, from top to bottom, and the media plays an enabling role for all of the global rackets. Brian’s summary aligns with my view that there are structural and conspiratorial, or unconscious and conscious, aspects of these situations and the structural aspects are by far the most important. Because of the machinations of the global elite, Earth’s politicians are all puppets that never make the important decisions on Earth, the existential ones that will see humanity either get over the hump or destroy ourselves in this century. The muddle-through middle ground has been quickly disappearing in my life. It is likely either the Fifth Epoch or bust for humanity.
The Suppression Syndrome is far from confined to free energy and other exotic tech. I have seen it in the automobile and oil industries, as they have colluded for over a century, and Brian saw it in medicine and parapsychology.
After my life-ruining days as a free-energy revolutionary, I hit the books and snooped into many topics. I noticed several dynamics that swirled around those subjects.
The important issues on Earth are three-ring circuses of elite interventions, worthless politicians, crazed conspiracists, criminally insane debunkers (although some are professionals), and a sleeping and sometimes gawking public. American imperial behavior is the most evil force on Earth today, and key events in the American Empire’s ascent are often shrouded in conspiratorial behaviors. Among the most recent were the 9/11 terror attacks, in which far more happened than meets the eye. I don’t know exactly what the overlap is in global and American elites, but it is likely substantial, as the USA is history’s richest and most powerful nation.
I looked into the Moon landings, ETs, claims of technologically advanced ancient civilizations, and how assassinations became a spook sport in the USA for a generation, among many other topics. What a strange journey that all was.
The energy and medical rackets are the two that I know best. The USA’s political right has been seduced by the energy racket while the left has been seduced by the medical racket, and it was never more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic, as all that most “progressives” could do was parrot Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and friends.
There is something to many conspiratorial topics. It is not all just the fevered imaginings of conspiracists, but they are usually so unbalanced and victim-oriented that they rarely do anything important or achieve productive understandings (but the same thing often happens with structuralists, too). I have had to ban a few conspiracists at Substack after they began insulting me when I didn’t buy their rubbish. I hope that it does not get too bad and I have to start moderating comments. These conspiratorial posts are intended to warn them off while also helping educate the people that I seek, so that they can avoid those traps and rabbit holes to nowhere that have swallowed up so many people.
I am sure that all of our 47 Presidents have murdered people, including JFK, but I think that in this context you meant to write that JFK seems to have BEEN murdered over it ("JFK seems to have murdered over it"). :-)